This is by request of Mark, a dear LL friend but it is for everyone who wants to be serious about Astrology. There are three parts of the charts that people must master: the signs, the houses and the aspects.…
Good Conjunctions/Bad Conjunctions
I write what I would like to read if I visited an Astrological website. I pull my hair out when an Astrologer cannot take a stand. I pull my hair out when a person cannot stand up and be counted,…
What Does it MEAN to be Born Again? Fallacies Put To Rest
Many people throw around the word Born Again like they throw around the world justice or mercy. People have an idea but not a precise meaning. Even many Christians do not really know. Hence, I hope to dispel some myths…
Why Obama Will Never Make Peace with the Muslim World
I can assure 100% that Obama will never make peace with the Muslim world. When I heard about the Arab Spring, I knew it would descend into a fiery inferno. Why? Because the Muslim world and it’s activities are written…
The House That Evil Built—–Growing Up With a Malignant Narcissistic Parent
I don’t want to write this. You probably don’t want to read this but it is a reality that some people grow up in homes where lies populate and the child fears he will lose his sanity or he does.…
How To Tell Your Purpose From The Natal Chart?
If a client has a Yod, the Astrologer can know the client was created for a specific purpose.It is right there in black and white. The Yod is called “The Finger of God”. The Yod is quite rare, so what…
Hell Has No Other People In It
In the Near Death Experiences, there is one thing that is the same for all the NDEs which feature Hell. The person is alone. There is no interaction, at all, with other people. This makes me realize how much we…
The Bible is Mass of Contradictions, An Indigestible Mess and I Can Make it Say Anything I Want ——-What Do I Do?
Most people have this question but the thought of exploring it seems too daunting, so they give up. I had this question myself. I venture to say that everyone does. The Bible calls for it’s students to “rightly divide the…
My Chiron Wound
Is your Chiron wound like nuclear pain? I know that people try to put on a positive face in this plastic society but I am going to take my mask off, not that I have it on that much. I…
Kumbaya——The Church of the Last Days for ALLLLLL Faiths
The way of the world and the way of the Bible are often diametrically opposed. If the world is going one way, the Bible is going another. In the last days, this will be more pronounced as people call “good…