Everyone wonders this. I never had the expertise to address it, before.I am not saying I am a master, as I am not. However, I have done enough charts to weigh in on the question, with my humble opinion .…
Does One Have an Inability to Quell The Planets Which Conjunct the MC?
I know this may seem like a strange question. It seems as if the MC forces the native to live out the planet which conjuncts it, and the native must do this in full view of others. I have Moon…
Pluto Transforms You Using The House in Which it Resides
I wonder if YOU transform the people you encounter in the domain of that house? I pose that to you, as well. Your comments are eagerly awaited, on my Comment Form. Now, I will talk about how Pluto transforms…
Name Asteroids
Has anyone read the Bible Code? if you have not, you should. It is utterly fascinating. One’s life is predicted, in advance in the pages of the Bible. However, one must know the code. The code is the pattern. The…
Neptune Dissolves What it Touches
I have done articles on various planets and asteroids and what they do when they touch other planetary bodies. Pholus explodes what it touches. If Pholus touches Chiron( the planet of pain), the person will explode with pain. This explosion…
What is “The Curse” ?
I think of this as I see the pain inside me, and outside of me. Most especially, I see my own flesh with it’s ugliness. I can’t bear to look. The ugliness comes from Adam’s disobedience. People laugh at the…
PTSD–Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
If you have been exposed to a lot of trauma, you may have PTSD. It is an automatic shutting down of one’s emotions as one does when one goes into shock. PTSD was given by God so the human being…
The Quincunx
The quincunx is a 150 degree aspect. You can find it by going to the opposite sign and then moving over 30 degrees to either side. For example. Aries is opposed to Libra. So, Aries would be quincunx Scorpio and…
Easy, Easy Things Anyone Can Tell From a Chart?
A chart can look like a foreign language. To the very beginner, there are some easy things anyone can pick up right away. I will list some, so you can feel you have some mastery of the charts 1. Planets…
The Moon—–Your Heart
I would go so far as to say that I would not want anyone close to me where the moons were not in good aspect. We all have varying forms of relationships. However,if the moons are square or in opposition,…