Chiron is named for the myth of the healer whose wound could never heal although he healed others from that wound. Some Astrologers like to say that the story was wrong and that Chiron could actually heal. I don’t like…
Neptune Retrograde
Each retrograde planet has the same way of inner working even though the domain of each planet is distinct. . The planet Neptune rules the sign of Pisces and the Twelfth House of the Zodiac .Neptune is the planet of…
Why Do I Feel Like a Wallflower? ———–Saturn’s Nature Within Each of Us
Saturn is the unattractive step daughter who had to go to the dance in an old dress while the other girls twirled in glorious splendor with lovely gowns and flexible bodies. The step daughter had just gone on a binge…
The Unaspected Planet’s House—The Part of Life in Which It Will SHINE
The Unaspected Planet is part of the native’s destiny. It is one of his callings. The particular Unaspected Planet was given to the native as a gift from His Creator. The native has a rare gift. I have addressed the…
Unaspected Planet—Naked Wanderer Until Clothed in Glory
If one is the owner of an Unaspected Planet, one has buried treasure. As in actual buried treasure, it does no good when it is in it’s buried state. There may be glorious diamonds. However, they stay as inert as…
Your Shadow Side—Hekate
How much do we pay psychologists to find our shadow side? We pay thousands.Once again, Astrology comes to the rescue with little to no financial loss. Hekate is our shadow side akin to Jung’s archetypes. Haven’t you always wanted to…
Did a Nuclear Bomb Just Explode in My Life ……..or Was That YOU?
Have you been a nuclear bomb in someone’s life? Has someone been such to you? Check your vertex point. I Memorize that point. When someone lands in your life as a nuclear explosion, check his vertex. The vertex is a…
Do You Have Tummy Troubles —-Try Kombucha
I have a Cancer Moon and Mars. We push our feelings into our stomachs *sigh*. I was despairing of stomach aches when I discovered a wonderful drink which is as close to magic as I have ever found. I want…
Born Mentally Ill?
Is someone born mentally ill? What a topic? What a subject? Yet, it bears asking. Environmental factors are not enough to determine mental illness in every case. Sometimes it is. However, one must go to the charts to see the…
The Intellectual Man and Satan
Satan is a topic that causes eye rolling of the highest order from the intellectual man. A little man with a pitch fork, you ask? You ask rightly as some Christians have acted foolishly and given the name of Satan…