With an Unaspected Planet, the person may feel hyperactive in the domain of the planet. That is why the Unaspected Venus may be too social in a hyperactive way The Unaspected Pluto may hold power with a too tight a…
The Unaspected Planets—Why Do Some People See Them was Wild and Others See Them as Wonderful?
This question has been in the back of my mind. When I talk to people about Unaspected Planets, some will say that the Unaspected Planet is not a good thing. Some will laugh at the idea of Unaspected Planets being…
Indian/Tantric Theme Asteroids—-Numbers
1170 Siva 4227 Kaali 2847 Parvati 20000 Varuna 2629 Rudra 2415 Ganesa 5863 Tara 4106 Nada 12472 Samadhi 2815 Soma 25290 Vibhuti 1387 Kama
Roman Asteroids—–Numbers
Roman Theme Asteroids: 3 Juno 4 Vesta 1 Ceres 93 Minerva 26 Proserprina h57 Proserpina 16 Psyche 763 Cupido 78 Diana 2063 Bacchus 19 Fortuna 151 Abundantia 490 Veritas 1930 Lucifer
The Chart Can Help You Get Self Acceptance
Most people treat others like kings and themselves like paupers. The Astrological chart can help with this. I have never seen traditional counseling help. If it has I have not seen it. On the other hand, counseling using the chart…
“You Shall Lose Your Life For My Sake In Order To Gain it”
The Bible is alive. How could that be? That is one of the promises.The Bible is Living Waters. How so? I don’t know.There is a world of the Spirit. We cannot understand all the whys. When we are consigned to…
Empathy——Jupiter’s Domain—-Is Your Empathy Easily Acessed or Not?
As I do charts I have certain questions in the back of mind. What is empathy and how does it show in the chart? One woman was raised by a sociopath mother but retained empathy although she did go into…
Christianity Versus Every Other Religion
Christianity is different from any religion. It is different in many ways. For one, Christianity is the only religion where good works don’t get you to God. Christianity is the only religion where God became a Servant to man. Man…
The Bible Stands Alone for Lessons in Life
Someone made the statement that if you threw all books away and just had the Bible, you would have all you needed to figure out the life’s questions.I never forgot that statement. It seemed strange. It seemed silly but I…
Christianity—The Narrow Road?
People like to call Christians narrow minded The road to the true God is narrow. Few will find it. The road to destruction is wide. Many will find it.It is a sad state of events. In this last age, more…