Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Venus In Virgo—-TOOOOOO Picky

I guess I am on a roll ragging on Venus’. I just did a number on Scorpio and now it is time for Virgo. Venus in Virgo is in it’s Fall. I don’t know if a Detriment or a Fall Position is worse. You will have to write and tell me your experiences, as I have no planets in the Detriment, and one in the Fall( Mars). At any rate, it is time to pick apart Virgo, as he is wont to do to others(*snigger* ) Venus is a yin planet. Yin is receptive. Venus does not like too much intensity. Venus likes to look pretty and have the men flock a la Scarlett O’Hara. Venus does not like to be bothered with ALL the details. Hence, when we consider Virgo, we have a detail oriented( i.e. anal), perfection seeking sign. Virgo may be laudatory in an accountant. You want the same of your surgeon. However, for your lover, you want him to ignore the broccoli in your teeth and the extra pound from that delicious piece of chocolate cheesecake you wolfed down. Hence, if you have a Venus in Virgo lover, he wants perfection and you can’t measure up. Can you? NO. Can anyone? NO.

What is a woman to do? Well, one must understand the nature of Venus in Virgo. One must know that the person does not try to be too picky. He is not trying to hurt you( in most cases). He thinks in terms of perfection. The chart is what it is, for all of us. We, each, have good and bad. Venus in Virgo falls under the latter. Lets take a look at how Venus in Virgo might play out, in real life. You meet a gorgeous charming man. Maybe, he is an expert seducer like Mars in Scorpio. Maybe, he is sexy, calm and cool like a Saggi Sun. Maybe, he is gorgeous and tender, like a Cancer Asc. Maybe, he makes a home made dinner for you and you are starting to feel he may be “the one”. All may be well and good until he starts questioning you about your accomplishments. Oh, you only graduated cum laude, not magna? You ignore it, until he comments on your appearance. Maybe, you should lose a little weight around the middle. You wonder if you have won the grand prize or the booby prize. That is Venus in Virgo and it won’t change. Can you live with it and know that you are good enough, without being perfect? Consider this before you become Mrs Venus in Virgo because he comes, as is( as do we all)


These are wise words from BB, one of my most beloved Forum members.

Virgo can be picky and judgmental of others, but it is often pickiest and most judgmental about itself. Virgo does not put itself on a pedestal and expect other people to worship it, the way that Leo might; Virgo is aware of its own flaws and shortcomings, maybe painfully so. If you feel like a Virgo person is putting you through the wringer, picking on your faults, remember that Virgo has probably wrung itself out even worse.

A Virgo person probably won

5 thoughts on “Venus In Virgo—-TOOOOOO Picky

  1. amiannBlackbird

    Yeah yeah, I have this one. Ow. Ami is out to get me. What did I do? 😛

    I avoid making comments on appearance unless they are compliments, because I don’t want to be rude, and I don’t want to create a conflict. Maybe that’s my Mercury in Libra.

    I usually don’t ask for pictures before a first date, and I am reluctant to share my own. I don’t like judging people by their appearances, but I know that I do it anyway, and I know that other people do it, too. So I try to avoid all that by skipping the pictures. It gives me a reason to get out of the house and go on a first date: I want to see what my date looks like.

  2. amiannBlackbird

    Back on topic: Virgo can be picky and judgmental of others, but it is often pickiest and most judgmental about itself. Virgo does not put itself on a pedestal and expect other people to worship it, the way that Leo might; Virgo is aware of its own flaws and shortcomings, maybe painfully so. If you feel like a Virgo person is putting you through the wringer, picking on your faults, remember that Virgo has probably wrung itself out even worse.

    A Virgo person probably won’t be the warmest or most communicative person in your life. Virgo, as an earth sign, is concerned with practicality and reality. Virgos feel that actions speak louder than words. Instead of telling you how much he or she loves you, a Virgo person will do something to help you. They will fix your stuff, help you organize, help you with problems in your life.

    In a relationship, Virgo wants to be a good person for you. Virgo worries about its own clothes and hair and manners. It worries if its own home is clean enough, if its own finances are sufficiently organized. Virgo probably isn’t worrying about all this stuff because it wants to impress you. Virgo just wants to be accepted.

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