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10 Practical Ways To Deal With Depression

1. I talk about it . I drive people crazy, sometimes, but you have to talk about it.

2. You have to cry. This is essential. The pain comes out through tears. Read “Cure By Crying” by Thomas Stone

3. Exercise is a natural emotional help. Yoga is the same

4. Raw food helps give you good energy, which helps

5. I would take nutritional things for depression such as noni juice, super green foods etc

6. I take a little wine for relaxation but do not seem to want more than a small amount so feel like I am safe with it. Some people are not.

7. Have a passion you love such as music, art etc

8. Force yourself to reach out and help others, even if it is the last thing you want to do.

9.After you have worked through all the pain( and I mean after), you must forgive or the pain will stay with you, forever. This is the last step, not the first.

10. I need God or could not do any of this.

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