Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Extreme Pain

If you have been abused, you have suppressed extreme pain. It has to go somewhere. Common places are physical ailments such a stomach aches, heart problems, headaches, ulcers and worse. Pain is stored in ways such that we warp our original personality. Western medicine names these as personality disorders, anxiety and depression. In the great majority of cases, these things are suppressed pain. The million dollar question would be how to get the pain out and be normal again.

I have some ideas. It is my personal quest. It is an ever evolving quest. Once I open one door, and try to mine what is behind that, another opens. If you read my website, you will see my journey. I have the Moon conjunct the MC. This position is a classic one for showing one’s emotions to the world. If you have any planet conjunct the MC, you will manifest this planet to the world. People will know you as this planet. The MC position is a powerful one, as you will know, if you have a planet here. Hence, I find that I am called to express my emotions. However, the reason which is greater than my own healing, is to help others. Actually, one flows into the other and back, again, as happens in cases such as this.

Extreme pain, which one can not acknowledge in childhood, has to go somewhere. Pain does not evaporate. It must be suppressed or expressed in some way. Addictions are a common way. Pain is very hard to handle. When one feels it, it feels like fire. It feels like it will destroy us. It may bring us to the edge of the abyss. It, most likely, will. That is the reason people suppress it. It feels like an out of control tidal wave. What is one to do? Where can one let it go?

Psychology is supposed to offer answers. I think they fall short, such that they are impotent, in most cases. Most people, therapists included, cannot deal with extreme pain. The only person who can is one who has had such pain and faced it, head on. The facing of the pain is emotional, not intellectual. The intellect cannot heal you. Only the heart can.

If you have been abused you, you have extreme pain. let me say that out straight. You can’t paper over it. You can’t say a few positive affirmations and make it go away. You can’t say a million positive affirmations and make it go away. You must meet it where it lives, in the depths of your soul, in the most primal part of you. I wish this were not so. If there were a magic wand to wave, I would wave it. Even being Born Again, is just the beginning of healing, as God must soothe every pain with His touch. This takes time, so much more time than we want.

If you have been abused, you will have extreme pain. That is the first axiom. You can’t run from it. If one could, I would say to do so, but one can’t. It is impossible. There is not enough money, prestige, love, sex, drugs or alcohol that exists, in this world, to make the pain go away. That is our starting point, harsh as it may seem. However, there is something comforting in truth. I deal in truth, only. It is the only thing that works. If lies worked, I suppose I would deal in them. However, they don’t, so I am an advocate for the truth, however it may wound. The wound of the truth is a worthwhile wound. It is like a healing ointment which stings a cut. It stings but brings healing.



I will need to explore this topic over the course of a few days, so bear with me, please, if it is unfinished when you get here.

2 thoughts on “Extreme Pain

  1. amiannsepalus

    Abusing isn’t the only cause for pain..

    Anywayz I agree that the first step towards healing is facing the truth. Although it hurts, you’ve got no option: you have to go through it. Time is the second thing you need. And little by little you learn to look world again and see the beautiful things in it anew.

    Psychology offers solution models, not the keys just to open the door and walk away. You have to feel the pain, learn something from it and be ready to move on. That’s extremely personal process and can take even many years.

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