These are from Angel Cards.
RED: Take action to bring your dreams and desires to fruition right now. Asking is one thing, prayer is indeed powerful, but in your human world, action is very often required to co-create the life you desire! You know what to do. Trust yourself and know that step by step you will be guided by us. We are with you and believe in you!
TURQUOISE: If you’ve been through a challenging time lately, this is a sign that things are shifting and you’ll feel a lot lighter from now on! A trip away, even for a day will help you feel refreshed and inspired and give you a new sense of direction. So plan something if you can, and ask us to help you with anything you need to do so!
PINK: We have heard your prayers for a situation or person to be healed. Please continue to focus on your energy on the outcome you desire and give your worries to us. If you do healing work yourself, or are feeling guided to help others energetically, this is a sign to do so but to remember to be a channel for our energy rather than absorbing anyone’s pain. It’s wonderful to help others but you must take care of yourself, too!
GREEN: Remember that while it is important to ask for help, there are times when it is also best to look within for the answers. This is one of those times. You have everything you seek within. Be still and allow yourself to feel what is right for you in your heart and gut. Other people may well disagree with you but it’s your life and you must stay true to yourself now. We’ve got your back!
VIOLET: This a time of revelation and great spiritual growth for you so if you are finding that things that you once enjoyed do not fulfill you anymore; if you find yourself questioning a lot, do not worry. The changes you are experiencing are for your highest good and you’ll soon see new people and new opportunities that you LOVE come to you as a result. Go with the flow. You are not alone!
ORANGE: There is always something to celebrate and we suggest that you gather with loved ones now and have some FUN! You deserve this time out from your work and responsibilities. It’ll do you the world of good and will also connect you with people you have not seen in a while. If you are in a relationship, make that a priority now. You’ll both be grateful for the deepened connection
Did the description fit, Moonie?
Yes Ami, yes.
Hi Amp
I worked for one of the top holistic health doctors in the country. I have studied nutrition for may years and know as much as a doctor imo. I use it to help people, if they want help, but I don’t want to use it as a practice. It sounds exciting for you, though, Amp!
Did you have your date? I have been thinking about you!
Aww Thanks Amp. You made my day with your sweetness!
Well, I am getting content, Amp. I made peace with my mother, which was my single biggest angst. When I see that she loves me, I feel a sense that I can love myself. She loves me in the way she is capable, which does not feel very good, often. However, if an animal is a monkey, you can’t expect him to be a frog. She is a Malignant Narcissist and hence does not have empathy. However, she does have some level of love for me and I am trying to take what I can from that.
I would hide under my bed. our Saturn is on my mars. That is why you always tell me what to do 😀
Ok I will play along with your *cough* placements. Don’t tell me you gave yourself a Moon in Virgo 😀
Just please don’t lose your Mars in Scorpio :/
OK, how you be? Take the Royal crowns test. I want to see what you get and then I will tell you what I got.