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How To Be Miserable?

I got your attention. Didn’t I? There are time honored ways to be miserable. One is to need excessive approval. If you need approval, you won’t get it. People will not give it to you, in spite. We, all, need approval and always will. We were made as social creatures. Ever notice how dogs sleep in a pile? We want to do that, too. We just don’t want anyone to know. So, we have the dilemma of needing approval but being in a bind when we seek it. This is just one of the dilemmas of earthly life. The people who don’t need excessive approval are liked. The ones who crave it are shunned.

The next way to be miserable is to not be able to laugh at the absurdity of life. Every day, there are hundreds of things at which to laugh. The foremost one is oneself.Each human being is a veritable comedy as each human being is weird, albeit in different ways. Ever tried sharing your weird things with others? Trust me, you will have a laughing fest that will hurt so badly, your sides will split.

The way to be the most miserable is to wear your ego on the outside. We, all, have an ego and will until we die. The Bible says that the ego came in when Adam and Eve disobeyed. Prior to that, man had no idea he was separate from God. The ego is all about separation and the fear that engenders. That is a study for another time, but give it some thought and you will see the profundity of that statement.

One’s ego is one’s biggest struggle, in life. It wants to be pampered, manicured and help up as the most special. The problem is, everyone has the same desire. Hence, life becomes the drag that it is. There are methods of ego reduction. The problem is that they all hurt, something fierce. If you don’t do them, you hurt, something fierce, as you ego tells you that you are unique, and not in a good way.

So, the only way to deal with your ego is to get out there and screw up. Yes, I said screw up. If you try to be perfect, your ego will never budge. It will stay, trying to guard it’s mask. You have to free fall: your ego screaming for dear life, while you put a gag in it’s mouth. How and where do you do this? Wherever and whenever you can. How do you do this? You simply risk being you. Take a risk, today, and write me. You will know that I am going through the same thing. You are not alone <3

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