Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Ami, what is the difference between depression, sadness and guilt? I’m so confused … And could jealousy be the cause of rage? Why is unconditional love so tough to achieve?

Kanwal Ratan

  • Ami, what is the difference between depression, sadness and guilt? I’m so confused … And could jealousy be the cause of rage? Why is unconditional love so tough to achieve?

This is a question of massive proportions. Each person ponders questions such as these. It is within the human condition to frame large and, seemingly imponderable questions. I offer my limited range of understanding as a humble stab at answering this question.

The first part of the question asks about the difference between depression, sadness and guilt. Depression is a modern day word that has been defined as a disease or a condition by the Psychology field. In reality, I don’t think they have a specific definition for it, so I will leave that word aside now and try to hone down the components of what they call “depression”, so one can work with them, in a practical way.

As always, I go to the Bible for my answers, as the Bible is the Owners Manual for the human being. God tells us who we are. He tells us what is our purpose on earth. He tells us how to be happy. The word “blessed” is comparable to the modern word “happy”.

God’s instructions are for our good. It may seem as if God is a killjoy. However, a child wanting to play with matches would feel the parent was a killjoy. A child wanting to run into traffic would feel the parent was a killjoy.

You may ask, “How do I know this is true?” Faith. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. We do not have much to offer God, in return for all He has done for us. Our humble gifts to Him are our love and faith in Him( and his Word, which is the Bible)

Some of you may be recoiling now, as you think I always have the same answers to any questions. When one follows God, one is in an inferior position to God. Many people shrink at this. They want to be their own Gods. This, really, is the essential battle for mankind. Whom will you serve? God or yourself.



I will be back to continue, later.

2 thoughts on “Ami, what is the difference between depression, sadness and guilt? I’m so confused … And could jealousy be the cause of rage? Why is unconditional love so tough to achieve?

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