Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

What is Freedom?

Do you ever wish you could, simply, be free? What would it feel like? How would you feel if you didn’t have to be good, or nice, or perfect? Do you ever fantasize about what it would be like just to sing your own song—–unhampered and unimpeded. I do. I bet you do. I used to think I was very different from other people: worse. However, now I know I am the same: flawed, human, hurting, questioning.

What is freedom? It is casting aside the “shoulds” and free falling. It is free falling into who you are: the inner recesses. It is flying out from here and singing your song to the world.

Freedom is being you, but that is scary. Freedom is knowing who you are, at the core. Intimacy is touching cores with another person, yet retaining your own. Do you have the guts to free fall to who you are? Do I have the guts to free fall to who I am?


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