Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

For Alyssa—– Sun in Libra

Alyssa, I cannot do your whole chart on here, but I did promise to do something. I will discuss your Sun, as it is the most important part of any chart. The Sun is one’s basic identity. When one thinks of oneself, it is the Sun that identifies each man, to himself, and to others. That is why it is quite easy to pick out Sun Signs, when you know Astrology. The Sun in Libra is in it’s Fall. The Fall is a hard position, as the planet bristles in the sign. It is like a suit that is too small or a pair of shoes that pinch. The Sun, by nature is bold, takes action, is confident, and moves forward. Libra thinks and re-thinks. That is the nature of Libra. Venus, on the other hand, is exalted in Libra. For Venus, the deliberation of Libra makes for a gracious, considerate person, as Venus is a receptive planet. Picture a beautiful woman standing on the sidelines on the dance floor. She may be in an elegant gown, waiting to be asked to waltz. Part of her beauty is in her demure nature. That would be a picture of Venus in Libra. The Sun does not do well waiting on the sidelines for a partner to pick him.The Sun does well when he races over to the partner of his choice and pulls her on to the dance floor. That is a simple description of the nature of a planet in it’s Fall.Back to the Sun in Libra. The Libra Sun is not a confident Sun position. It may be gracious, and it is, but if suffers from bouts of severe indecision. It tries too hard to be pleasing and may end up stuffing it’s emotions. As such, it’s sunny exterior may belie struggle and pain , which it may be too afraid to show. Libra is the sign of the scales. It does not like anything too loud or raucous, anything too intense. However, life does not allow for that sort of existence. Therein, lies the nature of Libra’s struggle.

One thought on “For Alyssa—– Sun in Libra

  1. amiannAlyssa

    Ah, you described my Sun in Libra challenges well: “Libra thinks and re-thinks. That is the nature of Libra. The Libra Sun is not a confident Sun position. It may be gracious, and it is, but if suffers from bouts of severe indecision. It tries too hard to be pleasing and may end up stuffing it

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