Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Asteroids in Tori Spelling’s Natal Chart

I love Tori Spelling so I am doing her chart. I hope that you can better learn how to do your own chart by hopping onto this one and seeing how it plays out. When I do a professional chart, I add over 200 asteroids. I need to make 8-9 separate asteroid charts. After all that Themes will emerge. This is where it gets exciting.

This is where the person’s life will open up to them. Light bulbs will go off and the person will find the way home like Hansel and Gretyl and the breadcrumbs. It is very satisfying to be an Astrologer. One has access to the deepest realms of the human being. It is a privilege and an honor.

Amor( 1221) conjunct Chiron( 1 degree)

This seems to be love causing pain. Tori’s Chiron is in the 2nd House, which is the House of money. One would not think that money would be a painful issue for her but if her time of birth is right, the chart never lies. If we add the asteroid of love( armor) conjunct the planet of pain, we have a situation where love, money and pain are all mixed up.

Compassion(8990) conjunct Sun( 3 degrees)

Three degrees is as wide as I go in a conjunction. Tori seems very, very compassionate. I think this is one reason she resonates with me so much. I was curious to know why she did and hoped the asteroids would show me and they are!

Dulcinea( 571)conj Venus

Dulcinea is seeing what is pure and beautiful when it is not there. She will do this when she is in love.

Destin (6583)Conj Mars

Her passions and her goals are destined to happen. She does appear to have been destined for a life in the spotlight.

Lovejoy(61342) Conj the DSC( 1 degree)

She will look for love and joy in the partner.

Psyche(16) Con the Moon(1 degree)

This shows a deep person which is what I can see in Tori and why I admire her a great deal. She has wisdom into the human condition. We all should be so lucky to have this asteroid in the most favorable of places–the  Moon (heart). She seems like a Cancer Moon to me and this is why.

Poseidon (4341)conj the ASC( 1 degree)

I knew there was something of incredible depth to Tori. This is not the only thing but a crucial one. This asteroid has the keen intuition of the watery seas. This native may be psychic. If not, there will be a highly developed intuition. Lovely asteroid to have conjunct the ASC.


Tori has some lovely asteroids in pivotal places. She does not seem like a typical Scorpio Moon. This is what pushed me to do the asteroids. She is much more open than a typical Scorpio Moon. She seems much less suspicious than a typical Scorpio Moon. The wonderful asteroids she has for depth and compassion shine from here eyes. The asteroids complete the picture of the natal chart. I hope you have enjoyed this article and understand more how to do your own charts.




5 thoughts on “The Asteroids in Tori Spelling’s Natal Chart

  1. amiannLon Spector

    Sometimes in the middle of the night, or upon waking in the morning
    with a clear head, I get what the French call an “ideal Fixee” (I know I’m
    spelling it wrong.) I can see things clearly to evade me during the course
    of the day.
    I was thinking about the 3rd house. The 3rd house pertains to siblings,
    elementray schooling, (K-12) and local “short” journeys. The opposite house,
    the 9th, pertains to higher education, colledge and post graduate. It also refers
    to distant journies to foreign lands and pholosphy and religion.
    Please forebare with me. As I said, it is easier for me to understand Astrology if I
    focus on ONE wicked person! “Evil people should be easier to understand then
    “good ” people, because their evil is open for all the world to see. How did they
    get that way? Original sin and Astrology.
    So-Casey has Pluto in the 3rd house. This is opposite Venus in the 9th house.
    Pluto opposite Venus has it’s own difficulties.
    But Pluto in the 3rd, with it’s focus on the “underworld” of decay, swamps, and
    garbage dumps, and LIES would make perfect sense wouldn’t it?
    She didn’t finish her high school education. She dropped out a few credits short of
    her diploma. She kept the truth from her family. Lies about school (Pre-colledge)
    Lies about her “local” trip to the swamp (ruled by Pluto) 4 houses away. And it just
    entered my mind that her daughter’s body was discovered near an elementray
    school! And the swamp was where she buried her pets! Bravo astrology! See,
    why I focus on ONE person? See what can be gained from focusing on ONE
    There should be a branch of Astrology called Detective Astrology!
    For the 9th house, it deals with DISTANT COMMUNICATION by the computer.
    Because Casey must be a shut in for the time being, her only method of
    socialization NOW is the computer! I’m sure she’s making all sorts of contacts
    through the computer as she ALWAYS did.
    I read on another site, that a geeky web designer was sending Casey a certain
    amount of money each mounth, but when she tried to contact him, for a closer
    relationship, she scared him away. Casey should surpress her Venus in Aries urge
    to agressively pursue a man, and just sit back and collect the money. If she knew
    Astrology, she would know that only a certain kind of man knows how to handle
    a Venus in Aries/ Mars in Saggaterious woman!

    Aries/ Mars in Sagaterious woman

  2. amiannLon Spector

    Based on prior behavior, I have no hope about that!
    Why can’t you just accept the fact that Christ’s love is for EVERYONE?
    He is Casey’s judge. Nobody else is!

  3. amiannLon Spector

    Putting out a blog, is like casting out a great fishing net! You NEVER
    know what you’re going to “reel in.”
    God gave you a revelation some years ago to study Astrology. He did this
    percisely because He knew you would make my accquaintance through the
    net. He wanted you to deal with the “challenge” of a person like me.
    One thing I’ve noticed in the brief time I’ve known you, is that you avoid
    certain topics you find “distateful” or “unpleasent.”
    Perhaps these topics remind you of things you’d rather avoid in your own life.
    If you put out a blog, you’re going to come in contact with all kinds of people,
    just as, in your “professional” life., you come in contact with many types.
    You will no doubt come in contact with people that you don’t like.
    “Liking,” and LOVING are two different states. “Liking, has to do with personal
    preferances. LOVING is a higher spiritual state. You can love a person, but hate
    their activities. This is called “hating the sin,” but loving the sinner. I would ALWAYS
    place that above mere “liking.”
    That’s what God did when He sent His Son to die in our place. He didn’t like our
    sin-filled activities but He LOVED US! Humans do the same.
    Casey’s parents didn’t “like” what their daughter DID, but they LOVED her.
    It is easy to judge, to point fingers, and waggle tounges. Jesus Himself was a
    victim of such judgements. His “crime” was blasphamy wasn’t it?
    So, speaking only for myself, I think it would be best if you go to Christ and ask
    for help, in dealing with these “aversions” that you have. To be an effective
    “minister” (servant) to other people, you must be willing to examine, “unpleasant”
    things unflinchingly.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      What do you mean specifically, Lon? As far as Casey, if someone wanted to get a professional chart, I would do Casey’s chart, but I don’t want to do it other than that because I have an aversion to her. Why? I am sure it is because she touches something in me. However, one will never be perfect, Lon dear. That is why Jesus came to the earth.

      You are always welcome at this website as long as you want to come. If you think I am trying to reject you, I promise you I am not. It is in your imagination. Am I a perfect person? NO. I am very flawed and you have pointed out some of my flaws. However, that does not mean that I am casting you off.

      You are replaying childhood wounds. I know because I do it too xx

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