Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Before We Say Farewell to Moons

I want to thank you all for what I have learned. I could never have had the awareness I did without all of you. I would like to sum up some of the things I learned and some of the new theories I have about maaah-in-the-moon-conni-togelMoons. Please, add what you would like because that is how we all learn.

Things I have learned about Moons

1. People with different Moons think very differently. When I say think, I really mean feel. One’s deepest core is one’s Moon. It is one’s most intimate self. It is one undressed. One does not show one’s Moon to many. One lives out one’s Moon with one’s intimates. Hence, it is of primary importance. I think it is the most important planet, if I had to choose one. Hence, it make sense to learn as much as we can about our own Moon and the Moon of others.

2. Once one gets below the superficial surface, one will deal with the Moons of others. The Moon can make or break a relationship faster than anything.

3. Certain Moons seem to go together. Certain Moons seem like they will never go together. Herein, lies the rub. Herein, lies the difficulty. Let me see if I can summarize some things I have learned. They are open to your opinions, as usual. The best person to tell us about his Moon( or any placement) is the one who has it.

4. If one wants a more casual relationship, the Moons do not have to fit. However, for a best friend or a lover, they do, in my opinion

5. Let’s try to see which Moons fit. I cannot discuss them all because I am not intimately acquainted with them all. I can surmise about some. I will tell you when I do that.

6. I will start with Cancer Moon because I know it the best because it is mine. Cancer Moon would need a Moon who sees loyalty as it does. I spoke about this in my articles. It would pair with Taurus and Leo the best. Scorpio and Cap would be next, but far seconds, in my opinion. Capricorn is too mercenary for Cancer. Scorpio is too intense.

7. Gemini Moon seems to need a lighter Moon like Saggi. Perhaps, Gemini Moon would like Aqua. I am not sure. Gemini is mutable, so I assume it would not like a super heavy moon like Cancer or Scorpio. They would be like oil and water– never mixing.

8. Pisces Moon may need a Moon which understands him but can stand up better than he. I am not sure on this. Pisces Moon may like Leo Moon. This is a speculation based on a conversation, so I would need your input.

9. Aqua Moon would not want a super water heavy Moon like Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. I am not sure which Moons an Aqua would like, perhaps a Fire Moon.

10. Scorpio would need a loyal moon.I cannot see a Scorpio Moon with a Moon that did not understand loyalty as Scorpio does. I could see a Scorpio Moon with a Cancer Moon or perhaps a strong Fire Moon. I need your comments on this one.

One of my comments said that Scorpio likes Cappy moon. I can really see that as they are both strong and loyal. They both respect core values such as loyalty. They would respect each other. Hence, they would be a good match. Chart wise, they are sextile, which would fit, too. I don’t think squared Moons would be good. Opposite Moons may be good as friends but I don’t see them as long term lovers, but I could be wrong. I would need your input on this.

The more I write, the more I see I do not understand. That is where we all come in because sharing is the best way to learn. It sure beats dry textbooks 😀



12 thoughts on “Before We Say Farewell to Moons

  1. amiannLeocassandra

    I am myself a Capricorn Moon and admire and get along with Scorpio Moons…Pisces Moons for Capricorn(at least for me) are to weak. Yes, I’ve noticed Gemini Moon like Saggi.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Thank you Leo
      Interesting about Cappy moon and Scorpio? What is your reasoning, that they are both strong and determined and respect each other. Great insight!

      1. amiannLeocassandra

        Yes. Capricorn need someone to show them how to handel emotions, how to swim when there is a Tsunami of feelings. “We” like their passions, their power, strenght. When they say they’re liking something, we know that they really liking it, not just saying. They are in touch with reality. I like also Cancer Moons, i can feel the undrestanding but they can be sometimes to moody for stable Capricorn. Pisces…well maybe it’s because im a girl- i don’t like feeling in personal relationships that im the stronger one in pair(the outer world sees me that way, and it’s enough). Pisces Moons have so much empathy that sometimes it makes feel the Capricorn guilty that he isn’t feeling the same.

  2. amiannLon Spector

    I don’t think that any ONE placement tells a person’s ENTIRE story. You’ll recall that
    Casey Anthony (like me) has Moon in Cancer in the 11th house. Last I looked, Casey is
    as different from me as night is from day.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Of course, one placement will not tell all. However, one placement will tell the most, I think, especially if it is for an intimate relationship or friendship. What do you think, Lon?

  3. amiannEva

    My very good close friend from childhood has Gemini moon and I have Saggi moon, we are sooo different and she is cancer and I am aries, what a combination 🙂 We know each other for 23 years, we live in same town and there were times when we didn’t contact each other for couple of years but this didn’t affect our friendship at all. We know that we are friends no matter what 🙂

  4. amiannRuth E Velasco

    Didn’t you say that moon trine moon is the absolute best? I’m a cancer moon, sag sun, and I was wondering if the pisces moon is really good for me?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Yes, I think Moon trine Moon is the best if it is a close trine, not just a trined sign, Ruth. However, Pisces Moon is a hard Moon for the person and others because it is so, so, so sensitive.

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