Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Do You Have Dark Attraction?

high-heels540404_10150851204690960_1636027091_nhelena-marroqui-the-vourdalakMy teachers are the charts. I become very intimate with my clients. I don’t believe in skimming over the surface when doing the charts. Why pay for a chart if you are just going to find out your hobbies or favorite colors? There is no healing without the pain examining  oneself. However, the pain of exposing one’s wounds to the light is LESS than the pain of carrying it like an eternal ball of shame and sorrow.  I have the asteroid Jung conjunct the Sun. I do charts to get to the core of them and the core of the person, as this is one and the same.

Many of my clients come to me about relationships. I can tell from the tone of the initial contact if it is a Nessus/Dejanira relationship. In these cases, the woman seems as if she will die if she cannot get the man. The urgency is unlike any aspect in synastry, even Moon/Pluto. Moon/Pluto would be next, though, and a close second. Moon/Pluto is the ageless love we read about in classics like Romeo and Juliet. It is once in a lifetime love. It seems to be one to a customer. That relationship is never forgotten, even when it is long past and you are both old and grey. It sits atop your dresser with your favorite photographs under an old lace covering that your grandmother made you when you were a child and still believed in love.

Moon/Pluto is not dark. It is passionate to the max. Darkness and passion are two different things. I want to establish that. Moon/Pluto is not light. It has the strength of the tidal waves and the vulnerability of a new born baby. That is intense. However, it is not dark. Moon/Pluto tends to affairs or off and on long term relationships but NOT marriage and true long term commitment. Maybe, it burns itself up. Maybe, the force of the waves wash it away. Maybe, it is too intense to last a lifetime but is supposed to be one grand passion. I don’t know but I don’t see Moon/Pluto in those long term relationships that last decades.

Venus/Pluto is the third most passionate with Nessus/Deja being first and Moon/Pluto being second. Venus/Pluto is the passion of Pluto combined with the pure love of Venus. It is powerful. It is not as powerful as Moon/Pluto because Venus is not as deeply core to a person as is the Moon. However, you will feel the tidal waves sweeping you away into the land of fantasy.

Dark is abuse. Nessus is the asteroid of the abuser. If his Nessus touches your Sun, you will want him to abuse you. You will want to lie down as the victim and let yourself be demeaned. That is dark passion. That kind of relationship enslaves you until you submit. Then, it plays like a record stuck on a groove until the pain exceeds the pleasure and you run, naked,devoid of every vestige of your dignity. You know that if you don’t run, you will die. It burns itself up. It was not made for soul mate. It was made for a grand fantasy. However, it goes bad just as surely as does food left on the counter because you were too lazy to put it away. It goes rotten. It becomes ugly.

You don’t know what you saw in that person. You feel you were drugged with some sort of drug from the nether gods. You were NOT. You were under the spell of Nessus/Deja. If you break free, the person you thought you could not live without will take on a coat of flesh. He was just a man and a failed one. All that passion was just smoke and illusion.* Sigh*You came under the spell of Nessus/Deja. At that point, cold hate can enter. Revenge is a possibility. Nessus/Deja starts out as a beautiful flame but ends leaving you in ashes.

The other dark aspect is the Fixed star Algol. If a man has this in a prominent place and it touches you, RUN. I would run, anyway. Some people think you should not judge a man by his chart but I don’t agree. It is the rare person who can overcome his chart. If I see Algol in a prominent place such as conjunct the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, or any of the angles( ASC,DSC, IC or MC), I would run. It is not the person’s fault that he has this chart. However, only a true relationship with God will transform it. If he does transform, he will be a powerhouse because he has touched the dark side and come out unscathed.


Foot Note--I am coming back to this article to add Mars conjunct Uranus. With this aspect, a lightning bolt hits both people. This is a love at first sight aspect. This does not tell us if the attraction will last. However, you can be safe in telling people that it will be there at first sight.

Mars conjunct Venus in synastry is an attraction aspect, too. It is not AS lighting bolt as Mars/Uranus but it is still a great deal of primal attraction. Again, this does not say if the attraction will last or the relationship will be MORE than attraction.




48 thoughts on “Do You Have Dark Attraction?

  1. amiannLon Spector

    Have you ever read “Heaven Knows What” by Grant Lewi? That book certainly tells
    about wicked placements. He leaves no stone unturned.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Yes, Algol is the fixed star of evil. This would include violence and the other outgrowths of evil. We all have the capacity for evil, just as we all have musical or psychic capacity.However, to some people each of these is a natural default state. No one chooses his chart but I see Algol as a propulsion to do evil. I would say Nessus conj the ASC would be the same. Deja conj the ASC would be a propulsion to let oneself be abused. I see Deja as being raped and not fighting back.The chart never lies, in the things we like and the things we don’t, in my opinion.

      1. amiannBlasph

        Another website says William gave Kate his dead mothers engagement ring and that signified venus /Algol in a sense due to what the latter went thru with the paparazzi that led to her death.

        Maybe venus algol can mean terrifying experiences with regard to relationships. Is that why you’d run, Ami?

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Well, with William, we really don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. That is the same for any of us. I would run IF the person was not Born Again because I believe the chart can be overcome in that case. However, if the person were not, I would run because the chart always comes true. If someone brings Chiron to your NN, they will bring you pain. Your life theme as a couple will be pain. If a person thinks he can overcome the chart by will, I 1oo% disagree. The chart will play out. I would not want Algol to play out in the arena of love. Venus is a sensitive planet. What touches it, touches YOU if you are the partner of this person. You have to consider if you want this before you enter the relationship, in my opinion.

          1. amiannBlasph

            Do you think Kate would suffer and in what way do you think she might in this case?
            Can Algol signify the paparazzi and the loss of her freedom?

          2. amiannamiann Post author

            No, I don’t think Algol can signify larger things than the PERSON i.e William. I think that William must carry Algol into his love. How does he do this? You mentioned about the ring but that could be looked at in two ways. It was a legacy of his mother, so I don’t think we can draw the conclusion that there was anything “evil” or “off” about it. Have you ever read “People of the Lie” by Peck? This was a life changing book for me because Peck said that some people do not fall into the “typical” psych diagnoses. There are a group of people Peck had to call evil. These people were evil because they had NO thought for others, not in terms of being selfish but in terms of being clueless but utterly clueless. It is hard to describe here, in a short post but this is how I could see it playing out with William. This is just a made up scenario. William could have a made -up reality. He has been through a lot of trauma and so he could very well. This is really the malignant Narc we are talking about. William may live in a reality where Kate has to be perfect so HE can look perfect. Hence, he inflicts evil on her in the squelching of her true self. i don’t know if I explained that well

          3. amiannamiann Post author

            I have always wanted to study Kate’s chart, in depth. These in depth charts take a lot of time but if people appreciate them, I would like to do them. Kate fascinates me. We have the problem of her ASC though. Is it really known?

          4. amiannamiann Post author

            Well B
            I have thought long and hard about Kate’s ASC. I have asked many people. She feels like a classic Libra to me, right down to the dimples. She may be in the Gemini decan as she has an impish look to her. People mentioned that her hands are not graceful and I wonder where that fits, too. When I first saw her, I felt she was a Saggi ASC. That was my very first thought because she has that “horse” look to her, which I think is beautiful, by the way. Amy Winehouse has it too, as does Beyonce imo

          5. amiannBlasph

            Interesting, Ami
            So you sayin William will def transfer his abuse on Kate unconsciously. But considering Algol is beheading, how bad would it manifest. People born around his time would all have that aspect June 19-23, 1982?
            Also, doesn’t this happen with everyone, let’s say they are unconscious abt something they will def put it on others. They don’t necessarily need the Algol/venus aspect.

          6. amiannamiann Post author

            Wow, what a perceptive post. This is what I think of the subject of transferring your unconscious self on others. If you KNOW yourself and FACE yourself, you will be less likely to do so. The Malignant Narcissist won’t face himself. He is not any worse or better than anyone else, but he does not know this. He thinks he is. That is at the root of it–devastating shame. Hence, he hides from himself and projects his bad side out on others and crucifies THEM for it. The Venus conj Algol would be for a small group of people because Venus is a personal planet. Lets see if we can get insight into his chart by linking Algol to his Moon. Do you want to try?

          7. amiannamiann Post author

            The main thing to remember about the Mal Narc or any Narcissism( and we all have some) is that it is all about being hidden. I had a person on one of my Astrology Boards who attacked me for 4 years but it was all covert. She made it look like I was crazy because she set me up to attack me and get me to react. When I did, she acted as if she didn’t do anything and I was crazy and/or out of control. It took me 4 years to learn to deal with this kind of person. She is a Mal Narc. What they HATE like the Wicked Witch of the West hated water is being EXPOSED. It took me 4 years to figure out how to expose everything she did in the dark, to the light. Now, she won’t get near me. She avoids me like the plague 😀 She knows I will bring her to the light. The Mal Marc wants to stay hidden. This is a big factor in their psyche. At the core, they feel terrible,terrible shame. That is sad and I can relate to the shame but you need to learn how to make them flee from you like bug repellant.

          8. amiannBlasph

            I’m thinking Algol/venus has some direct link with his mother being “beheaded” or killed by the media. I’m not sure of Wullims rising, but I would guess venus rules the house of his mother, or it resides in the house of his mother. Since Wills is a Cancerian, the true love of his life is his mother. Maybe that’s what Algol/venus signified, the loss of his love, through disastrous means. He was also quoted as saying he won’t let Kate go thru the same things his mother did. Maybe Algol terrified his venus so much he vowed never to let his 2nd love go thru that of his first (mum)

          9. amiannamiann Post author

            Wonderful analysis Blasph! I think Diana was killed by the palace. I don’t think it was an accident. It makes sense Algol would be tied to the Moon. Lets talk about how this could happen specifically. First of all, if you had to guess his ASC, what would you say?

          10. amiannBlasph

            Ami I think he’s a Cancer rising that would place venus’ significator of his 4th house in the 11th.. Since his love life is pretty public, and his mum was be headed in public by the public that’s where venus/Algol should be.. What do u think?

            Btw Ami I am 100% certain Middleton doesn’t have Libra rising. She has Taurus rising. She kinda looks like Miranda Kerr dimples and cheeks wise… She doesn’t have a nuance for Libra. Libras have very light and subtle looks. middle tons bearings are very real and concrete.

          11. amiannamiann Post author

            Wow B

            Great insight into Middleton’s ASC! Let me think about Wills. He does look like a Cancer Rising. Is this chart on the web or is his time said to be unknown? So,you are saying that libra would be the sign of the 4th house cusp and his Venus is in the 11th. His love life is seen by the world. Is that your reasoning, B?

          12. amiannBlasph

            I don’t know abt Williams ASC Ami. This was a conjecture on my part I am not sure if his time of birth is on the web .

            Btw your words on malignant narcissist just opened a wound in my heart :/ that was exactly what happened to me in another forum. I was hounded and proved guilty for something they exposed to me but faulted me for digging deeper. As a result I have left the forum. What would you think is the best way to deal with them? Would shutting the door be the best way? ^ .^’

          13. amiannBlasph

            And yes I meant that about Willys chart. It makes allot of sense to me, almost like it was meant to

          14. amiannamiann Post author

            Hmmm Certain asteroids would be fascinating to see in Will’s chart and Kate’s, too. There would be Narcissus and Echo. These would tell us more of the story of Algol, I think.

          15. amiannLysistrata

            That cool. You seem to knw a lot abt Narcissus and Evho Ami it would be gd if u wrote on it too in conjunction with alghol

          16. amiannamiann Post author

            Hi Lysis
            I know a lot about Narcissus and Echo. They are personal to me. I have Echo conj my Saturn. What conjuncts Saturn makes one obsessed with expressing. I am obsessed with expressing my true voice. Also, I have narcissists in my family. I had to shut down my true voice, which is the story of Echo, down to the tee.
            The strong Narc person will hook up with the Echo person, just as Nessus and Deja hook up. I have several articles about Narcissus and Echo but I could write another one, if you would like. As I experience more of life, I learn more about these two asteroids because these are part of my personal asteroid palette.

            Each person has an asteroid palette. It is like a spice that is PARTICULAR to that person’s life. I may be black pepper. Another person may be curry. Someone else may be marjoram. One has to find which asteroids are particular to them. For me, Echo is one because it conjuncts my Saturn.

            What is interesting about Narcissus conj the Sun or ASC, it seems to give a personal strength and confidence which is not bad, but good. I think Narcissus turns bad when it conjuncts another persons Venus, Moon and maybe ASC. I have seen terrible abuse in a son whose father’s Narcissus asteroid was conjunct the son’s Venus. It was just as the story of Narcissus said. The father”cathected” the son. This means that he took the son hostage to live out the father’s dreams. The asteroids played out as if by script 🙁

            The problem with the asteroids and the opportunity with the asteroids is that there is little of a practical nature written on them. One must be one’s own explorer. I wish I could tell you more about these asteroids in the charts, but I am still learning.

          17. amiannamiann Post author

            Now, if we put Algol with these, that would be an interesting amping up of them and not in a good way. Do you know anyone who has this? Just a general question. Could ALL asteroids hit all fixed stars? I am wondering about the Astronomy of it. What do you think, L?

  2. amiannLesley

    Hi Ami,
    I can’t find too much online about nessus/venus conjunctions. So my own thought is that if a man’s nessus is conjunct a female’s venus, he may want to sexually abuse her. Any thoughts?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Lesley
      That could be one real possibility, Lesley. Love and abuse would be connected in this relationship. How that my manifest may be varied. Sexual abuse could be one. Emotional abuse could be another. Any which way, you don’t want love and abuse mixed lol

  3. amiannEve.Marie

    Hello , the article is so interesting (as usual) 😉

    What about composite Nessus ? The abuser midpoint between the two people is probably a significant point, but on what level will it affect a relationship ?

    I have : Composite Nessus in Taurus, conjuncts Algol (exact) with a beloved somebody ….
    oh my God, it really sounds so creepy

  4. amiannEva

    Hi Ami,
    I love to read your articles and posts, very very interesting, all this digging and analysing, it’s so fascinating! I can learn here a lot 🙂 Nessus theme interests me a lot, my ex husband has Nessus exactly on his ascendant on 29th degree geminy/cancer plus wide conj to his medusa by almost 6 degrees, I don’t know if it counts. Does algol has same number as medusa? My ex seems in many peoples eyes as very nice guy and he always cares about what people think of him. Yes he has lovely personality, he can be very charming but there is as well character. And they are too different thinks, so i had this opportunity to see his character and who he truly is very well. He never abused me fyzicaly but he hurt me in different ways and with his value system too. But i always loved him so much that i saw just his good side.My Jupiter is on his asc and Nessus. His medusa conj my Nessus in 7house, it doesn’t sounds good and his chiron sits on my venus so yes we hurt each other in different ways. In the end he cheated on me and walk off.
    I found out on astrotheme that William was born 9:03PM, his moon is in it’s sign cancer (and Katie has moon in cancer too), ASC is saggitarius in conj with Neptune(2degrees). His venus is exactly in conj with chiron in Taurus… His birth path is 11.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Thank you, Eva. Your words mean a great deal to me. The Nessus/Medusa at 6 degrees would be too wide.Chiron/Venus is prolly what broke you up. When Chiron touches a personal planet, the people get close really fast but something small, often, makes them break apart and they never seem to get back.

  5. amiannEva

    Thanks for answer Ami and yes it’s very true this chiron thing. What about algol does it have a same number like medusa or it supposed to be same asteroid because i can’t find it anywhere.

  6. amiannEve.Marie

    Thank you Amiann
    No he is not a friend, nor a lover, but a man I met only a few times in my life and kissed once, eighteen years ago and that is all. But I’ve never forgotten him, just can’t, he seems to be part of my soul for ever, as if he had taken a part of me for ever. I must make huge efforts to think about something else than him all day long, and I’ve been enduring this hauting feeling and memory for eighteen years. Well, this is like that…….No one can help me I’m afraid, not even him.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Wow I hear you, Eve. Do you want to post your synastry in my Personal Readings Forum. I think the dark asteroids grab you in a way nothing else does. I was thinking about that myself, too. It is not good. IT must be because of the flawed human nature that we are drawn to the dark and attracted to it.

  7. amiannEve.Marie

    yes, maybe I will post it, I don’t know. It is like putting my biggest secret and intimacy on the table, so I have to think about all this…. What you say does not reassure me, but does not really surprise me.
    thank you
    Excepted Nessus and Dejanira, which asteroids do you call “dark asteroids” ?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      You are welcome, Eve. People always know the truth down deep, just don’t admit it lol What else is dark? Algol. Some others are tragic like Sedna, Medusa, Medea and many others but for dark, those 3 would be all I can think of right now.

  8. amiannmarion

    Hi Ami,

    Thank you for a great post.
    I read somewhere, that when the rest of the chart allows, prominant algol also can mean a heightened sensitivity/motivation toward activism against all forms of violence and mass destruciton of human beings. (eg. I remember from that article that a couple actively crusading against neuclear war, had algol rising in their wedding chart)

    I have Algol conjunct my ascendant. I have worked with war trauma victims for the most part of my 15 year career, working in contexts of terrible warfare, braving extremely dangerous hard military style living conditions.

    Interestingly, my boyfriend has his moon also on the same Algol. (My Asc conjuncts his moon in synastry)

    We BOTH belong to the same ethnic group which fell victim to the large scale systematic violence (ethnic cleansing style) perpetrated by the above war, though we were not affected personally.

    The day we first met, within the frist 10 mintues of interaction, we both talked about the need to set up a movement/program to empower these victims and strive for their (our) human rights.
    If we do get together in the long term, i see us doing just that in some form or fashion.

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