Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Do You Have Tummy Troubles —-Try Kombucha

I have a Cancer Moon and Mars. We push our feelings into our stomachs *sigh*. I was despairing of stomach aches when I discovered a wonderful drink which is as close to magic as I have ever found. I want to share it with you as I love when people can find natural cures for ailment instead of having to submit to allopathic care which can exacerbate the problem and badly. I drink this every day. It seems to help many conditions such as allergies. I have noticed allergies to common foods such as cheese are alleviated. I love God made cures for anything. God did not make us to need drastic measures such as cutting and burning. He made us self healing—body and mind.I discovered Organic Raw Kombucha. Some companies make it really tasty. It comes in many flavors. I am so grateful I found it that I wanted to share it with you. My favorite company is GT’S Enlightened. It is organic raw kombachu. I like the guava and ginger the most. Although, I love the multi green too, as it has blue green algae in a tasty form. All the flavors are very good. The toll free number is 877-735-8423. Thank you GT’S Enlightened!


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