Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Does It Matter That I Exist?

Do you wonder if you matter? Do you wonder if your space on this earth means anything? Do you think that, maybe, you were a mistake? It is easy to feel that you have no value, that you are a cookie cutter person, just one more person on the assembly line. If you have been abused, the angst is much worse. Sexual abuse robs one of ones connection to one’s own emotions, ones own being. It takes one to a place that a human does not have the resources to handle. There are some things that break a person. Sexual abuse is one. I want to send out love to you, tonight, if you have been abused. Comment here, if you want to talk

2 thoughts on “Does It Matter That I Exist?

  1. amiannabhishek

    I think it does matter to a lot that i exist!!!!!! My presence does matter To my parents ofcourse coz they love me so much and to my few frnds who appreciate my human nature whom i always try to help………… Lately god always makes me realise that however different i may be, i am special and infact everyone else is……… My lifes scornful moments have given me a lot of strength and courage to speak about myself to others even if the outcome is not as per what i expec………

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