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Easy, Easy Astrology—–Neptune in the Houses

girl lace head bandThis is a super easy way to look at Neptune. Neptune is more House dependent than Sign dependent because it stays in the same sign for a long time. Neptune, like Uranus and Pluto, has a positive and negative side. On the positive side, Neptune is very creative. On the negative side, Neptune is the consummate escapist of reality. Neptune is the consummate addict.

To make Neptune easy to use, lets look at one of it’s Key Phrases. Neptune dissolves what it touches. Neptune takes solid matter and makes it gaseous.. Neptune makes ice go into steam.Neptune takes solid matter and makes it fogged.

What this means, in a practical way, is that Neptune can dissolve one’s ego if it is conjunct the ASC, for example. Neptune can  make for deceptions and illusions  with money, if it is in the 2nd House. However, it  can make for a creativity, as well. It is a double edged sword. With that introduction, let’s look at a very simple way to understand Neptune in the Houses.

Neptune in the 1st House

In this House, Neptune dissolves the ego. Neptune conjunct the ASC is the most severe instance of this. The further Neptune is away from the ASC, the less of an effect it has. However, Neptune will dissolve the ego, to some extent, when it resides in the 1st house. To make it simple, think of the phrase” finding oneself”. That is quintessential for a Neptune in the 1st House. Life  feels amorphous because oneself feels amorphous. This is hard, as one can imagine. However, it is the struggle of Neptune in the 1st house. Conversely, the native may be very creative and also very glamorous. Jackie O in her big sunglasses is a perfect picture of Neptune in the 1st House. These natives are beautiful in a mysterious and exotic way.

Neptune in the 2nd House

This is the House of Money.  This is the most practical house of the Zodiac in that this is the House of one’s relationship with the practical part of life. In this house is the banker, the carpenter and the gardener. This is the House that deals with paying bills and organizing one’s desk and closet. People who have Neptune in this House may feel that they don’t really know how to deal with the practical details of life in this material world. However, they may be able to find creative ways to make money, too.

Neptune in the 3rd House

The 3rd House is the House of Communication. Hence, communication is fogged. This native may feel unsure of his speaking abilities. he may feel unsure of his writing abilities. He may feel as if he cannot compose his thoughts clearly. However, he may have a creative twist is his communication style. Think of e.e cummings. He revolutionized poetry with his lack of punctuation.

Neptune in the 4th House

With this placement, the native may not be able to make sense of his childhood. He may feel that it was a fog, or something to which he cannot make sense. However, he may be able to deal with his past in creative ways. Perhaps, he would write children’s books.

Neptune in the 5th

These natives may not know what goes wrong with romance. They may be stumped when romance turns sour. However,they may write poetry to the loved ones and give romantic gifts because Neptune makes romantic to what it touches.

Neptune in the 6th House

These natives may have illnesses that are hard to diagnose. They are best with natural remedies as these have less potential of harm, in my opinion. However, this native may be quite creative in finding alternative medical solutions.

Neptune in the 7th

These natives may not be able to understand the workings of marriage and serious relationships. They may feel as if they can’t see through to the core of how marriage operates.However, this native may be able to find unique solutions to his marital woes using his creativity.

Neptune in the 8th

These natives may feel divorced from their sexuality and taboo emotions. They may feel as if they want to live in a musical, rather than in the taboos realms of human nature. However, if the native tries to bring his imagination to the subject, he may be rewarded with a creative solution to his dilemma.

Neptune in the 9th

These natives may have a hard time finding God. They may search and search but feel they cannot hone it down, to their satisfaction. However, if they think out of their conventional box, they may come to know God, which is really the reason any of us are here, in my opinion.

Neptune in the 10th

These natives may not understand the workings of society and how to navigate their place in it. They may not understand their relationship with their own father.  On the flip side, this native may bring a unique creativity to his career.

Neptune in the 11th

These natives may not feel clear on their hopes and dreams. They may, also, feel that they do not know how to navigate in group settings. However, if they stick with it, they may find creative solutions to their hopes and dreams or may impart a creative contribution to any group.

Neptune in the 12th

These natives may tend toward depression. On the other hand, they are very psychic. They tend to dream true.




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