Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Gifts For Mothers Day

Someone asked me what gift she should get for her Pisces mother. That started me thinking about gifts for the various signs. Here are some suggestions.

Aries— a muzzle so when she tells you, for the umpteen time that you look fat in those pants, you can muzzle her.

Taurus–a full body pillow so she can snuggle up and watch her favorite movie on TV

Gemini– a game of Scrabble

Cancer— make her a home cooked meal with everything from scratch

Leo–a picture of her in an ornate picture frame from Tiffany’s

Virgo–a travel medicine kit

Libra–a trip to the spa complete with massage, pedicure and facial. Promise you will not start any arguments on the way there, or back.

Scorpio–anything in black silk

Sagittarius—a plane ticket to a far away place

Capricorn–an antique or a fine string of pearls

Aquarius— a membership to an elite group of people who talk about changing the world but do not need to actually get close to the people they want to change

Pisces–a DVD with dreamy music such as Enya.

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