Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

How Can You Figure Out Your Ascendant if You Don’t Know Your Time of Birth?

This is not terribly hard to do. You need an Astrologer who will spend time with you. That would be the first requirement. If you know the general time it would be easier. However,if you know nothing an Astrologer could still figure it out with your help.Each sign is very different. This is more so for the signs which are next to each other on the Astrology chart.For example, a Libra Ascendant is very different than a Scorpio Ascendant for people in the Astrological know. For the person reading who needs help, I will give some guidelines. The Ascendant is like a mask that is stuck on.It is more like a pair of sunglasses which one cannot remove.One does not notice as one is so accustomed .Others can see our Ascendant before we. However, with a little attention to the matter, one can help oneself find one’s Ascendant. One must notice one’s first reactions to situations.If someone thwarts you, what do you do? Do you step back and watch? Do you jump in with fists flying? Do you go in to a shell and can’t speak? The Ascendant is the mask we wear to the outside world but it is not a mask, as I said. It is an integral part of ourselves but used in our reactions and responses to the world. To our intimates, they would see our moon. To our employers, they would see our sun. The Ascendant comes in to play in more superficial social gatherings and daily social intercourse.Watch yourself from afar. Look as if you are in the sky looking down at yourself. I think you should be able to figure out your Ascendant.

4 thoughts on “How Can You Figure Out Your Ascendant if You Don’t Know Your Time of Birth?

  1. amiannMichael Paxton

    I’m an Aries sun with Gemini moon born April 19 1888 in somerset PA can’t find ascendent cause don’t know time of birth and can’t get it

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I would need to work with you to figure out your ASC.It would take some time and I would need to charge. I must say that this is not my specialty, though.If you are going to pay for it, you may want to find an Astrologer who specializes in it. On LL( there is a man named Kannon who specializes in this. He has a banner on LL. That may be your best bet.

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