Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

How To Be Psychic?

I have wanted to deal with this subject for a long time. Then, someone asked me how he could develop his own psychic powers and I decided to write about it. I think that everyone is psychic just as everyone can sing.However, people do have innate psychic proclivities, as one has innate musical gifts. However, every person has a compass with a psychic needle.This psychic needle will lead every, single person. The key is to listen to your inner compass. Your inner compass is your psychic voice. The key with developing psychic ability is to learn to discern what is coming from God and what is your own musing.. This is hard and takes time and consistent effort. However, it is like singing. Everyone can sing if his mind is put to it. However, it takes one’s mind put to the grindstone.

With that being said, I will give some concrete ways to develop your psychic powers. The first one is to have OBEs(Out of body experiences).When one leaves one’s body,one’s vibratory rate changes. You retain the change. People who have NDEs(Near Death Experiences) experience the same thing.I am close to a person who has had four NDEs. He sees spirits. He does not want to, often. He just does. Also, he has an unusual relationships with animals. Wild animals will become calm with him and try to communicate. If he is at a zoo, for example, they will pick him out of a crowd and come over to him. He has befriended junk yard dogs, trained to attack anyone who came on the premises. My point in bringing these things up is to talk about how one’s vibratory rate changes when one has ether OBE’s or NDEs. You cannot have an NDE at will. However, you can develop the skill of going out of your body.It is a hard skill to develop. You must have supreme motivation. For some people, it comes naturally.. However, for most people, there is a natural fear. One must push through this fear to learn to do OBEs.

If you don’t want to do OBEs or cannot manage to do so, there are still ways you can develop your psychic powers. We all have a still small voice. Each and every person has this. The key is to befriend it. This voice is the psychic voice. One could liken it to cooking. Some people are gourmet cooks. Some people can microwave a soup. Each person can cook, but how well? Strive to listen to that voice. Strive to follow it and see what happens. See what happens when you don’t. The voice speaks to you all day long, about little and big things. The voice speaks to you about the simplest things like which road to take. Experiment with listening when it is something small. Learn to trust it for bigger things.

I will give you an instance of a small incident with my voice. It does speak to me in different ways, too.I did not add this. It can speak to me with a voice of authority.It can speak to me with a small niggling feeling.It can be a little pinch or a big punch.It can be a clear voice or an impression.One must get to know one’s voice and ALL of it’s manifestations. That is my point. In one small instance, I was driving with my son. We usually took one route but I told him to take another. I didn’t have a great feeling or a strong voice, just a little feeling.I don’t know why I even said it. The old route had a roadblock.I could have avoided the roadblock if I had listened. I have learned to listen to it in restaurants as to what is good. I have learned to listen to it at the grocery store. All these small ways can teach you the sound of it and the feel of it, as it has both.It will be your best friend. Learn to know it . The degree to which you can do this will be the degree to which you will be psychic.



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