Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

I have Added a New Astrology Reading Option

I am offering shorter chart readings because many of my clients are requesting them. My current readings are pricey due to the time involved. I never want to take advantage of any of my clients who are very valued by me but the sheer time of these charts makes it such that I have to charge what I do. However, I would like to offer another option which would be less expensive. I will do a chart reading of 5 of your pressing questions for $100.00. I will e mail you and discuss the 5 questions.I am a counselor at heart and all my readings involve talking to you and listening to what you have to say. This is what I have to offer that I feel is unique to me and what I hope serves you well. I hope this will be of service to you. I know I will really enjoy it as getting to know you from your charts and talking about them is what makes me tick! Contact me by e mail and I will send you an invoice for this option.

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