Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Let’s Play a Game :D

Let’s play a game. In the comments under this post, let’s associate an accurate adjective to a particular sign. However, the rule is that you have to use the same letter as the beginning of the adjective that is the first letter of the sign. So, for example, “Ambitious Aries.” And…..go! 🙂

25 thoughts on “Let’s Play a Game :D

  1. amiannamiann Post author

    Crying Cancer

    Virtuous Virgo

    Ambitious Aries

    Life of the Party Leo

    Sizzling Scorpio

    Swaggering Saggi

    Careful Capricorn

    Pensive Pisces

    Annoying Aquarius 😛

  2. amianncatman90

    Good ones. Loudmouth Leo
    Vain Virgo
    Lovely Libra
    Secretive Scorpio
    Spiritual Sagittarius
    Controlling Capricorn
    Passive Pices
    Aggressive Aquaurius

  3. amianncatman90

    Just out of curiosity why did you want to play this game. Are you going to do an article on what comes to mind when a particular sign is mentioned.

  4. amianncatman90

    I used to love English and English Literature at school.Also i loved when my mum would bring me to the Library when i was child .Its a shame i don’t really read a lot anymore.

  5. amiannGabby

    Polite Pisces
    Stealthy Scorpio
    Caring Cancer

    Trustworty Taurus
    Conscientious Capricorn
    Virtuous Virgo

    Gifted Gemini
    Lavish Libra
    Aloof Aqua

    Lusty Leo
    Self Reliant Saggy
    Assertive Aries

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