Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

What Energy Do You Need Right Now? Pick a Stone


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AMETHYST – The natural power of serenity and good luck.

This stone’s powerful yet soothing vibration is enhanced by its deep purple colour. The word ‘amethyst’ actually means serenity. Naturally tranquil and balancing, Amethyst is said to be a truly protective and lucky stone that has a spiritual energy of no other. Its pure energy is excellent for healing, concentration, relaxation and space clearing. Its energies provoke enlightenment, peace, ease and imagination. Amethyst should be used as an aid when moving forward through a tough situation. Its energies are said to help with addictions, aid in meditations and promote self-esteem. This amazing stone is bold in colour and can bring about any type of change in your life and consciousness. This stone increases Right brain activity stopping illusions and helping develop psychic abilities. The purity and honesty of this stone makes it out to be one of the most commonly used stones today. Many people wear Amethyst due to its feel good vibrations and ability it has to reinforce one with their love of the divine spirit. This stone should be used if you are suffering from a viral infection. The natural energies of Amethyst create good fortune and an overall serenity within one’s self and within the atmosphere that it is kept

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1. Amethyst–This stone brings serenity. It can help you connect to God, too. It is said to help when you have a virus.

2.Moonstone—Moonstone can calm down anxiety.It can help you to break old patterns which keep repeating. It is said to help with PMS and Menopause.

3. Amber–  If you hold amber, it can help depression because it can takes negative energy and turn it into positive energy. It is said to help Bladder infections.

4.  Turquiose — If you have to be around negative energy, this stone can help absorb it.It can help rid the body of radiation, too . It is said to increase the power of the third eye, which is one of the major  psychic centers. It can help one be more creative, as well.

5. Ruby—Ruby is known for bringing up anger and resentment to the surface, so you can heal them. It can help people to be sexually attracted to you, too. Ruby is an excellent stone to help you get back on track if you have lost your way. It can help to increase your resilience.  It is said to  be used to treat high blood pressure, too.

6.Green Tourmaline— This stone  can help when one has worries about the future. Holding it may help you feel balanced. It is said to attract material prosperity.It can help self healing, as well as confidence and a greater sense of self esteem by balancing out the right and left sides of the brain.

7.Rose Quartz–This is my personal favorite. It is the stone of unconditional love. If you want to feel more self love and self acceptance, hold onto this stone. This stone carries the vibrations of love and hence will help you when painful past memories come up.

8.Aquamarine-— Helps to calm one in body and soul. It will give courage in those situations of which we are afraid.Some people can feel stress leave them when they touch the stone. This stone is very powerful and many people feel the instant power at the first touch.

9.Black Onyx--Helps flightiness. Helps to calm a racing mind.Helps when one feels ungrounded to give a sense of being  grounded and centered.

10.Flourite–   This stone can help dissipate painful emotions from past wounds.Holding the stone may aid in letting emotional traumas go.It can be used by people who went off track and want to get their lives back on track. It helps eating disorders and anorexia, too.

11. Topaz– This stone can help when you feel very high strung. It can help you come down to earth when you feel very high strung and ungrounded. It is a stone of grounding and centering.

12.Opal— Opal can bring your positive energies to the surface, so you can shine more. It can bring your negative energies to the surface so you can let them go. It is a wonderful stone for transformation and letting go of the past.

13.Sapphire-—Helps one speak his truth and access his inner spirit. It can help one let go of frustration and to see the positive in things.

14. Labadorite— Helps one to calm down and relax a very  stressed mind. It can help to deal with persistent  fears, as well.

15. Citrine-— Increases joy, happiness and positive vibes. It is good for stomach conditions, too.


AMETHYST – The natural power of serenity and good luck.

This stone’s powerful yet soothing vibration is enhanced by its deep purple colour. The word ‘amethyst’ actually means serenity. Naturally tranquil and balancing, Amethyst is said to be a truly protective and lucky stone that has a spiritual energy of no other. Its pure energy is excellent for healing, concentration, relaxation and space clearing. Its energies provoke enlightenment, peace, ease and imagination. Amethyst should be used as an aid when moving forward through a tough situation. Its energies are said to help with addictions, aid in meditations and promote self-esteem. This amazing stone is bold in colour and can bring about any type of change in your life and consciousness. This stone increases Right brain activity stopping illusions and helping develop psychic abilities. The purity and honesty of this stone makes it out to be one of the most commonly used stones today. Many people wear Amethyst due to its feel good vibrations and ability it has to reinforce one with their love of the divine spirit. This stone should be used if you are suffering from a viral infection. The natural energies of Amethyst create good fortune and an overall serenity within one’s self and within the atmosphere that it is kep

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AMETHYST – The natural power of serenity and good luck.

This stone’s powerful yet soothing vibration is enhanced by its deep purple colour. The word ‘amethyst’ actually means serenity. Naturally tranquil and balancing, Amethyst is said to be a truly protective and lucky stone that has a spiritual energy of no other. Its pure energy is excellent for healing, concentration, relaxation and space clearing. Its energies provoke enlightenment, peace, ease and imagination. Amethyst should be used as an aid when moving forward through a tough situation. Its energies are said to help with addictions, aid in meditations and promote self-esteem. This amazing stone is bold in colour and can bring about any type of change in your life and consciousness. This stone increases Right brain activity stopping illusions and helping develop psychic abilities. The purity and honesty of this stone makes it out to be one of the most commonly used stones today. Many people wear Amethyst due to its feel good vibrations and ability it has to reinforce one with their love of the divine spirit. This stone should be used if you are suffering from a viral infection. The natural energies of Amethyst create good fortune and an overall serenity within one’s self and within the atmosphere that it is kept

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28 thoughts on “What Energy Do You Need Right Now? Pick a Stone

  1. amiannLon Spector

    Throughout my life, I’ve ALWAYS been partial to blue. Could it be
    because I’m a Tauras, ruled by Venus? Blue was almost like a narcotic
    to me.
    I’m learning to like green. Green = ever changing life. Optamism even in
    the face of pessimism. The bursting forth of spring after a cold dead winter.

  2. amiannLaura


    Like all these games 🙂
    Ruby is not used to treat high blood pressure though. People who have high blood pressure should not use it, because it raises the blood pressure. Especially when it is set in gold for example (also a raiser of blood pressure).
    I noticed cause i picked it. I am really tired & this stone gives strength & energy. So that makes sense.
    Bye 🙂

      1. amiannLaura

        I studied the qualities of stones a very long time ago. I actually forgotten to use them till someone reminded me 🙂 Just look at the stones in the shop & see which one draws you attention. Then hold the stone & try to feel the energy & if it suits you. If you feel nauseous and/or dizzy when holding it, it’s not a match. There are also little muscle tests for it.

  3. amiannLaura

    Hi Ami,

    Yes, I think they do. They vibrate on a certain energy level, which can help. I think they work in a soft, very subtle way. You can use stones to get more grounded (red or black ones generally help), to have a good look in the mirror (that help break through old patterns – obsidian), to get more creative or work on self esteem (jaspis – says to work well with people with poor body image – anorexia), to be protected from negativity and so on…
    Would only use them as an extra, so to support healing though. Not as a main therapy.
    I lost my ‘getting practical’ onyx 3 days ago & I feel less grounded. So I’m buying a new one. 😉

  4. amiannLaura

    Ps: it also works more practical then ‘energy’. In regards to the example of the jaspis/jasper & someone with anorexia: the stone has iron in it. This will work on the blood. Someone who has not been eating well, is low on minerals & especially low on iron (which feeds the blood) and thus feeling weak.
    So when choosing a stone, the body also recognises what it needs.
    Wearing a stone on skin also makes sure the minerals in it get absorbed through the skin & into the body.
    On a side note: I once gave someone with anorexia the stone, but they declined to wear it: being anorexic was what she knew & I think she was not ready to work on it.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Wow Laura That is soooo cool. Thanks so much. Would you like to write an article on the stones for me and their practical uses and I will publish it? 😀

      1. amiannLaura

        Hi Ami,

        Rose quartz is so lovely. Has a very soft vibe.
        About an article, that might be quite a nice idea actually, since I wanted to spread more about ‘healing’ in general. Stones is not my main ‘forte’ though (as I wrote: I even forgot to work with it for a long time), It is symbolism (tarot & dreams). You have my mail, right? So we can talk a bit about this?

        I would start with buying some Cat’s or Falcon’s eye if I were you (reading the posts of Lon there – great for protection in general 🙂 )

  5. amiannLon Spector

    Dear Amiann,
    I want to alert you to a plot in the making that some people intend to use
    against your blog.
    Some very vindictive and mean spirited women that I know from the Caylee
    Daily website intend to bombard this blog with ridiculinging statements, to
    hurt and disrupt you.
    I begged them not to do so. I told them that you were a good woman, and
    I said that my views about Casey Anthony were not reflective of yours-that you
    were revolted by her.
    I don’t think I convinced them.
    I could careless what they say about me. I don’t care what they learn about me.
    But I don’t want YOU to be hurt.
    I ALWAYS knew the computer would be my “undoing” (Uranus in 12th house)
    But I never meant for YOU to be hurt.
    Please forgive any trouble that might come from this. You’ve been kind to me.
    You are used to people attacking this site. I just wanted to give you a heads up.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Aww, you are soo sweet, Lon. I am so touched that you feel that way about me that I have no words. What are they gonna do? Why do they want to hurt me? I will tell my web guy and see if he can help. Love you, Lon <3

  6. amiannLon Spector

    They have a very low toleration for differences of opinion. They believe in
    “an eye for an eye.” They think I am deliberately targeting their website
    simply because I advocate forgiveness for Casey Anthony. They want her
    sufficated, double bagged and thrown in a swamp. Never mind the fact,
    that Casey’s own daughter-if she could be brought back-would NOT advocate
    such a thing.
    They get energy-a false sense of life-from HATE. Dyral Chessman, a criminal
    from the last century said, “Nothing SUSTAINS you like hate.” They are
    BITTER people, who have formed an association through their bitterness,
    something like a religion.
    I try to tell them that hatred gets them nowhere, but that only hardens their
    I don’t believe in tilting at windmells so I won’t try to dissuade them. But I don’t
    think an innocent bystander should get hurt.

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