Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Neptune in the 12th House

This is the easiest 12th house placement, but any 12th house placement means you may suffer as you sojourn on this earth. The 12th house is the closest point on the chart to the next dimension. So, you have one foot on the earth and one foot in the spirit. This is not an easy road for an earth dweller. However, Neptune is the most at home in the 12th house, as it is already a citizen of the next world. It represents all things mystical, creative, imaginative and escapist. It rules drugs and alcohol because these take us to the next dimension,too. Neptune in the 12th can make a person psychic. I have this. The psychic ability is enhanced if it touches,in a positive fashion, one’s mind(Mercury) and one’s identity(Sun) and the 8th house, of which I have all three. The house on the Astrological wheel which Neptune rules may have sorrow within .One would look for the house with the sign of Pisces on the cusp.Neptune rules my 5th house, the house of children. I lost a child. Any 12th house placement makes a person’s life journey likened to a bus which rocks a little harder than the others.

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