I found a great article and will share it with you, as well as my experiences with Orchus because it conjuncts my Sun. I know an incredible man who has lived through many deaths and has triumphed. He has Orchus conjunct his North Node. He lost two children. He had two children who lived. One has a serious genetic disease but has triumphed and is a top level student and musician.
For me, the person you see before you was shaped by the death of my 21 year old son. I had tried to fit in for most of my life, as most people do. I have always been a way out person, inside. However, I was afraid to show it. I was afraid to have my true voice.
I, also, have Echo conjunct Saturn. Saturn cools what it touches and can make it obsessive. I have been obsessed with finding my voice. So, in this case, I had two aspects which were similar.
One does see Themes as one does charts. One sees one part of the chart intensity another. For me, my son’s death broke me free of my societal chains. I did not care if I was weird. I had a driving passion and that was to matter and to honor my son’s life.
I had given up on Astrology because I thought it was against the Bible. However, after my son died, I surrendered my life to God. I heard a voice at 3 AM tell me to study Astrology. I prayed for three weeks to make sure it was God. Then, I joined Linda-Goodman. com and began to learn Astrology. Six years later, I think my greatest contribution to Astrology is that I will not be dishonest. I will not mitigate an aspect or a chart in order to be popular. I want to bring truth to the world of Astrology which has a lot of politically correct refuse in it, as do all disciplines in this current age.
In doing this, I find my voice. Some people will not like what you say. Some will attack you. Some will love you, which is the great percentage of the case. However, I say all this to say that death was my teacher and death was my guide. I am here now due to the death of my son. This could be called a classic case of Orchus conjunct the Sun.