Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Puzzle For Today

girl green gown legs spreadMy puzzles are real questions based on real cases. In this one, one person has her Neptune in an exact conjunction of the Moon of another person. The Moon person has an exact conjunction with the Asteroid Sado( sadism). I ask my question for help as well as for an interesting discussion. Thank you, in advance, for any responses.

6 thoughts on “Puzzle For Today

  1. amiannLon Spector

    Is she pondering whether to keep her legs open or closed to some
    perspective paluamore’s overtures?
    An authentic Christian. wouldn’t be torn by such indecision because they
    would wait until they were married.

  2. amiannSarah


    This is what comes to my mind about your planets combination :
    about the moon person I would tell that her experience of pleasure involved lots of pain. She could be someone who think that expressing love/nurturing another imply suffering and she may have been abusive/controlling. She also might have been abused.
    about the neptune person : i would tell she was the moon individual’s scapegoat. The moon person felt like she could project her deviant love/nurturing style onto the neptune person as probably in her mind the neptune person mirrors her.
    The neptune’s person could also be a kind of redeemer for the moon/sado person.

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