Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

A Quick Guide to Stelliums

A stellium is 3 or more planets in a sign or a house.

Stellium in the 1st House

It is all about you

Stellium in the 2nd House

It is all about money

Stellium in the 3rd House

You live to communicate

Stellium in the 4th House

Home means everything to you

Stellium in the 5th House

Player, maybe?

Stellium in the 6th House

Most likely to help an old lady across the street

Stellium in the 7th house

You live for love

Stellium in the 8th House

Still waters run deep

Stellium in the 9th house

Your best friends are books

Stellium in the 10th House

You are Mr/Ms Success

Stellium in the 11th House

You are most likely to say yes to a cause

Stellium in the 12th house

You will either find a spiritual way to handle your pain or you will go down <3

4 thoughts on “A Quick Guide to Stelliums

  1. amiannKristin

    I have Sun, Moon, saturn, venus, mercury, vertex and pluto in 7th house.. Wonder if it is a good thing not to have too many 7th house connections in synastry with someone? Like there would maybe be too much?
    I had a strong connection with someone with almost all his personal planets in my 1st house and that was a bit harmonising for me I think.

    Just a reflection 🙂

    Great articles!

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Thank you for your kind words, Kristen! I can see how all his planets in your first may have given you a stronger sense of your own identity. Does that fit?

      1. amiannKristin

        Thanks Amiann, yes thats definately true! I feel kind of more defined and stable around him in a peaceful way. We have some difficult things as well because of some hard aspects we share. but this stability I think is something I benefit from 🙂

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