Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)—-Part One

549479_436218686422730_766679778_nI am all about simple. I am all about accessible. The last esoteric thing I read was in Grad School when I book which made no sense. I vowed never to read anything that made no sense again. If an author cannot tell you a subject simply, it is not worth your time to read. Of course, Geminis have to make it fun, too, but that is an added bonus 😀

In that spirit, we will  explore some do it yourself ways to help yourself understand yourself better.If you go for counseling, take your chart. It would take a counselor hundreds of years to figure out who you are without it. After that time, it won’t matter.

    Saturn Conjunctions

What touches Saturn spells S-T-R-U-G-G-L-E. This is the same for a planet, asteroid or angle. Saturn will reward your struggle but  it will be long and hard. Does anything good come easily? Not really. This struggle would be in the manner of a person starting a new business. He will fret and fume and fess. He will lie awake at nights and wonder if it will succeed. He will work and work and work. Slowly, it will be successful. Slowly, he will reap the rewards. One day, he can look back and see that he DID overcome. Then, he has a personal pride which none can take away. That would be a word picture of Saturn.

Let’s give some real life  examples. I will use myself because if you read my website, you can see that I struggle to put forth my authentic voice. If you read my articles, that is my theme in article after article. I have Echo conjunct Saturn. Echo has no voice. She is the classic co-dependent, in modern day terms. She has no reality of self  unless Narcissus sees her. Narcissus cannot see her because he is staring at his reflection in the pool. Narcissus is not a hero. He is as stuck in his predicament, as is Echo. He cannot see beyond himself. Echo cannot see herself because she is waiting to be awakened by him. How modern is this story, though? It is one of my stories. I bet it is one of many of yours.

I will give you another example of a person  I know. This mother has Ceres conjunct Saturn. She can’t seem to nurture. She wants to. When Saturn conjuncts anything, the native has a HUGE struggle  and desire to express it. The native has a struggle akin to losing 500 pounds. Have you ever tried to lose 10 pounds? That can seem daunting. One gets obsessed with food and with the scale. In the same way, one gets obsessed with  anything thatconjuncts Saturn.

Let me give you another example. One man has Saturn conjunct Eros. He is obsessed with sex. One might think a sex obsession would be a good thing but no obsession is a good thing. It is a tormented thing.

Let’s look at some planets. Saturn conjunct Venus makes for a native who feels she has to be perfect to be loved. Saturn conjunct the Moon makes for a native who feels she has to have perfect emotions. She may have a lot of guilt for normal feelings.

Let’s look at some angle. Saturn conjunct the MC seems very hard. The people I have seen with this seem very, very insecure, painfully so. Saturn conjunct the ASC may give a stern appearance. The person may have had  a hard childhood and had to grow up very fast. This would be the placement for the child who is the proverbial old man. In many cases, these natives have tooth and bone problems, as well.

Before we leave Saturn, let me add some other facts for you. The House of Saturn is where we learn lessons of maturity. We may struggle with this house for a very long time, but if we stick with it, we shall prevail. I will give some examples. If one has Saturn in the 2nd House, one may struggle with money. If one has Saturn in the 3rd House, one may struggle with a learning disability, a stutter, extreme shyness or bad sibling relationships. If one has Saturn in the 7th House, one may struggle with serious, long term relationships. If one has Saturn in the 8th house, one may be sexually repressed. If one has Saturn in the 12th house, one may always feel “alone in a crowd”.

Please, share your Saturn with me on my Comment Form. I could not go over all the combinations and permutations or this article would be a tome but I will help you figure out your Saturn if you write to me. Also, please, please add your orbs. Orbs are the differences in degree between two planets. I will help you, if you can’t figure them out!

45 thoughts on “Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)—-Part One

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Nick!

      I would say that you will have lessons of maturity in career. You father may have helped you to have confidence but you may feel you have to be too perfect before you can be loved. You may struggle with the soft sensitive side of yourself, too.

  1. amiannKelly

    Saturn Rx in 03 Scorpio in 10th widely conjunct Neptune in 23 Libra in 10. Currently t Saturn is square my 22 Pluto and 21 Moon in Leo in 8th. Ugh.

  2. amiannNat

    Hi Ami!
    (I had the email consultation with you around 10 days ago. The German girl with Madhatter opposite the Sun.)
    Saturn in the (quite full) 5th house in Libra, conjunct Mercury (7 degrees), Pluto (4 degrees), sextile Neptune and Juno (almost 4 degrees).

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Nat and Welcome 😀 Saturn in the 5th makes for a person who may feel afraid to be creative, to let loose, to just be childlike. It is one of the harder Saturn placements. Saturn conj Merc is kind of wide. Saturn conj Pluto may make it hard for you to access your primal passions. You may feel that there is a wild person inside of you somewhere, but you can’t access her.

      1. amiannNat

        True! Thank you 😀 I’ve also seen a Saturn-Pluto conjunction referred to as a cruelty aspect, would you agree to that? I was cruelly bullied in school by my class mates who had that aspect (many having it much closer than I do). Then when I had to repeat a grade and came into a class of kids a year younger, most of whom didn’t have that aspect, I found them to be generally much kinder, as a group. I know I myself have a tendency towards being cold/cruel (a very much needed defence mechanism back in the day) but that becomes less and less the more I grow up.

  3. amiannKristie

    I have Saturn in the 9th house in Cancer, and it is in loose conjunction with my Mercury (and my POF is in between the two)…which I think is hard because I am an Gemini. My husband has his Saturn in the 4th house in Taurus, nestled in conjunction between Mars and his Moon. My son has Saturn in Gemini in the 9th house, conjunct his MC and Jupiter (he has a grand cross on the angles in his chart). It sounds like we all have some challenges!!

  4. amiannLon Spector

    Could you tell me the difference between “sex” in the 5th house, and “sex”
    in the 8th house?
    I know that the 5th house pertains to “pleasure sex” and dalliances. Casual,
    carefree, transatory relationships.
    But what about sex in the 8th house? Would that relate to the more perminate
    viewpoints about sex? The 5th house would relate to how the sexual nature is
    expressed, the frequency of times sex is engaged in, but the 8th house would
    answer the question about whether a person is a heteral or homosexual, a child
    abuser etc…
    5th house would pertain to “fun sex.” 8th house would refer to the more serious
    issue of basic sexual nature? Is this so?

  5. amiannamiann Post author

    I would not say that as directly, A, I think it makes being in groups hard.My son has it and he has friends. He does not like big groups of people, though. He feels intimidated but he is a friendly, warm person. He has an Unaspected Saturn, too, which is just an aside, but it is one of the best Unaspected Planets to have. It makes for a person with great character, which he does have imo

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Yes, my Friend, they do. I don’t mind complex. I don’t mind esoteric but I do mind blabberings that make no sense when people are trying to show off how deep they are. A true teacher can make the complex simple. That is what I strive for and what I respect in others, Dan dear.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Moonie 😀

      You are hard on yourself. You may have a struggle to find God but if you stick with it, you will find your answers, My Friend.

      1. amiannKristie

        I agree. I have Saturn in the 5th, and religion has always been a struggle for me. I have gone to many extremes trying to find answers. Finally, as I approach my 40s, I have broken with tradition and am finding answers that ring true for me.

  6. amiannamiann Post author

    To me, A, Saturn is harder in other houses than the 11th. I think the 5th, 8th and the 12th are MUCH worse. The 12th is always the worst for any planet imo, A.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      My Saturn is in the 2nd in Scorpio, A. I don’t really understand it as I have not had monetary deprivation. Some people say it is self esteem but it seems like a stretch to me. What do you think, A?

          1. amiannamiann Post author

            I don’t like catch fish. Feel sorry for them when they try to get away. Don’t like killing anything, even bugs. But do like to kill bad spiders 😀

            PS Bad snakes, too.

  7. amiannkatie

    I have Saturn in Sagittarius in the 11th house. Moon conj saturn, saturn conj uranus, sun opposition saturn, and jupiter trine saturn. Perhaps the moon conj explains how my mother was not there emotionally for me while growing up? I felt in a lot of ways I had to be my own parent…especially in my teen years…

  8. amiannIshita

    Saturn 6°21′ Pisces, in House 9, Mercury Conjunction Saturn, Saturn Conjunction MC, Mars Conjunction Saturn,Jupiter Trine Saturn.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      You may feel very insecure, in general, like out in the everyday world. You may doubt your intellect, ability to communicate and ability to go after your goals. This would be the case I think, if the orbs were less than 5 degrees, Ishitia dear.

  9. amiannkatie

    That is so true! I am very uncomfortable in crowds and a certain someone is the same way. His Saturn is also in the 11th house. We talked about this and I am glad someone understands that 😀

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Welcome G!

      Ummm Saturn in the 8th does seem to be repressed sexually. I think one may call it prudish. What do you think. Saturn in Pisces may make the mystical world inaccessible to you. What do you think>

  10. amiannmelissa

    Saturn [along with Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn] in the 2nd House Sagittarius.
    Am I bad with money? Very much so. How to overcome???
    Saturn Conjunction Uranus 1°27′
    Mercury Square Saturn 5°32′
    Jupiter Trine Saturn 3°08′
    Saturn SesquiQuadrate MC 0°25′
    and for my asteroids: [I am not really sure about orb sizes…I have searched all over trying to figure out what numbers I am supposed to compare with no real luck and what math to apply but my searches don’t deliver how people come to the conclusion of their orb size…I use serennu to search my asteroids….it says they are all with in 1 degree??]
    Saturn trine MakeMake retrograde
    Saturn trine Juno
    Saturn sextile Diana
    Saturn sextile Lola retrograde
    Saturn sextile Laura [my mom’s name] retrograde
    Saturn opposite Achilles
    Saturn sextile Lancelot
    Saturn opposite Michaellane [my stepdad’s name]
    Saturn trine Gross [um….ew? I struggle with being gross? lol]
    Saturn sextile Hermes
    Saturn opposite Thule
    Saturn trine Sabine
    Saturn trine Saga

    I am finding Saturn so interesting since my mom and stepdad’s names make aspects to it, and my mom Laura asteroid is trine Michaellane asteroid.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Melissa! I would think Saturn in the 2nd is good with money. I have it and I am. I am balanced. I am not cheap and not too extravagant. I did have to learn self esteem lessons from making my own money but that would be more the case with Satunr. Chiron in the 2nd would be pain due to lack of material things, usually. This person may feel poor his whole life even if he gets rich.

    2. amiannamiann Post author

      Saturn conj Uranus in the 2nd would change up Saturn cuz Uranus in the 2nd may have been lots of ups and downs and abrupt ones with money. In THIS case, you may have money issues but it would be from Uranus more than Saturn imo. Saturn trine Jupiter would help you ever more to be balanced due to the trine. This would give you favor in making money. You may be a bit extravagant from this but overly so, due to the trine imo. If it were a square, you may be more out of control extravagant.

      As far as the asteroids, the conj needs to be 2 degrees or less. If not, it would not have too much meaning imo

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