Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)—-Part Three—Gender Trust

girl with gunWho do you trust more–men or women? Are you more masculine or more feminine? I am not referring to looks here. I am referring to the essential you. Stay tuned 😀

The chart can answer every question you have. Some people will say they do not trust men. Some people will say they do not trust women. It is clear that the perception is in the eye of the beholder. The chart has the answer and it is an easy one. The answer lies in what happens to the Sun and the Moon. The Sun represents one’s father, all men and the masculine side inside all of us.

The Moon represents one’s literal mother, all women and the feminine part of oneself.

I like to give easy ways for the novice to understand the chart and this is one of those. Usually, the Sun or the Moon will have hard aspects. One will appear much more assaulted than the other. The more assaulted one is the sex you do not trust. The more assaulted one is the parent who was the hardest. The more assaulted one is the part of yourself which is not as accessible.

I will give a personal example. My Sun makes all good aspects. It trines Neptune and sextiles Pluto. It has wonderful asteroids conjunct it such as Europa, Jung and Circe. It has the Fixed Star Betelguese in an exact conjunction. Hence, one could know that I had a good relationship with my father. I am more comfortable with men than women. I feel that I am more masculine, inside, than feminine.

I will let you in on my Moon. It makes a 9 degree conjunction with Mars which shows a violent relationship with the mother. My mother and I fought like cats and dogs. It has a 7 degree trine with Saturn. I see this as my grandmother, a woman who gave me roots. My Moon does nothing else, planet wise. It is close to being Unaspected. This would be the classic aspect for the unmothered person. Mine is not quite Unaspected, so I would call it Semi-Unaspected.

This is a term I coined after discovering that many people with almost Unaspected Planets had many traits of the genuinely Unaspected Planet. All this to say that my Sun is very much more blessed than my Moon. As far as Asteroids, I have Nemesis conjunct my Moon. This would be a classic hit to show a mother who was an enemy. I have since seen this in other women with the same background as mine.Hence, I fit into the category of trusting men more and I do. I have done so many charts on people where I have seen  this same trend. Knowing this one slice of Astrology will help you. It will make the people you don’t understand more understandable, even if that means yourself.


14 thoughts on “Simple Astrological Ways To Figure Yourself Out ( Without Therapy)—-Part Three—Gender Trust

  1. amiannzakiahakakatie

    I am more feminine…I am very in tune with what goes on inside of me. I don’t trust men because my father has caused me a lot of pain. The only man I trust is my boyfriend; he has shown me not all men are cruel and abusive. I thank God for him everyday xoxoxo

  2. amiannD

    For me it’s not a matter of feminine or masculine. I trust actions or not of truth. My sun and moon fall in the same house w/ sun in Pisces and moon in Aries. Water rules my chart but I have almost as much fire.

  3. amiannLon Spector

    There’s something I don’t understand. The Moon is a person’s mother.
    The Sun is a person’s father.
    I got along much better with my mother then my father. She “spoiled” me.
    My father, however. was EXTREMELY harsh with me. I could never please him.
    Nobody could.
    I have terrible angles to the Moon. Squares, oppositions etc.
    I have oppositions to the Sun, (Jupiter + Neptune). And I have Uranus square Sun.
    My squares (Moon square Venus, Venus square Saturn, and Moon opposite
    Saturn) make ALL but the few Christian women in the world HATE and revile me.
    I mean, they MUST hate me! They have absolutely NO CHOICE in the matter!
    So, how is it that I GENERALLY got along so well with my mother despite these
    horrible Moon placements, and got along so poorly with my father with the
    squares to the Sun?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I would have to look at the whole chart to answer, Lon. I would have to add asteroids, too. Just an off the cuff answer. Maybe, your mother spoiling you was not good for you and the squares to the Moon show that. Perhaps, you felt it was good but it was not.

  4. amiannSummer

    Might an exact Sun/Moon square mean I don’t trust anyone? 😉 I’m kind of kidding but adding the other aspects still results in a tie.

    Sun: square Moon
    square Neptune
    trine Saturn

    Moon: square Sun
    opposite Neptune
    trine Pluto/Uranus conj.

    Perhaps a 12th house Moon would break the tie, resulting in greater mistrust of women …..
    Oops, maybe I should have said that first?

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Moon/Sun square could mean several things. You feel a hard time trying to put together your head and your heart. You feel a either/or, here, like you have to go with your head or your heart but it is hard to put them both together.
      It would be better for you to post your chart in my Forum so I could get a visual for me to do more on it and you are welcome to do that, S.

      The 12th House Moon may have been an absent mother. Did you have this?

  5. amiannmelissa

    Sun opposite Moon 9°02′ [yes lots and lots of fighting]
    Sun square Neptune 3°27′ …..This is one affects me a lot
    Moon square Mars 4°49′ [mom and I have definitely gotten into more than a few fights]
    Sun trine MC 3°26′
    Moon sextile MC 5°36′
    Sun inconjunction Pluto 1°41′
    Sun inconjunction AS 2°10′
    Sun semi square Venus 0°50′
    Moon biquintile Venus 0°48′

    It seems like my dad has more negative aspects? He was abusive, a drunk, and absolutely charming and hard not to love even though he had so many negative traits. My mom? She was very cold to me as a child and would never play with me. As I grew up she married an even more [verbally] abusive man who severely mistreated me and would never do anything about it. I love both of them and can’t really stand either of them at the same time….it’s complicated! As is everything??

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I can relate to your life story. I wish I could not lol
      Interesting Sun/Moon aspects. You will do well in a career and society. You may not like the female part of yourself and may not like women, down deep but 5 degrees is kind of wide for an aspect but yet still felt. The inconjuncts may make it hard for you to find your personal power and to show your ego and identity in your every day life. I bet you feel these.

      You have talents based on personal charm and you have a lot of it.

      How do you feel Sun sq Neptune?

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