Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Simple Question Series—Why Do Only Christians Go To Heaven and No One Else?

This is another million dollar question which will bring criticism down on my head. However, I feel I must write about these things. Christians do not go to Heaven because they are better than anyone else. They are not. A true Christian realizes just how bad he is. This may be paradoxical to some Christians who act holier than thou. If they are acting this way, they are missing the whole concept. True Christians have an understanding of their LACK of value, not their great value. However, paradoxically, once they realize their lack of value, they can begin to find their true value. Man’s true value is in his dance partner, you could say. Jesus lifts us up to where He is. Then, we can find value in ourselves, paradoxically, from our place with Him. True Christians,of which there are not as many as profess such, go to Heaven because they accepted Gods gift of entrance in to Heaven. Is there only one way to Heaven? Yes.

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