Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Surprising Asteroid in Tori and Dean’s Composite

A picOne of my beloved readers suggested that I check out the Composite for Dean and Tori. We don’t have Dean’s time of birth, so we cannot look at Houses. However, we have rich information with just planets and asteroids.

When I do asteroids for any chart : natal, synastry or composite,  I must do ten  or more separate asteroid charts to fit in all the asteroids I do. Hence, I was adding asteroids to Tori’s natal and decided to do a Composite with those ten asteroids.

YIKES. On the Composite, Tori and Dean have Nemesis conjunct the North Node. If you read my website, you know I am a Moon and a North Node freak. I think the couple will LIVE out the asteroid that conjuncts their North Node. Hence, I think that Tori and Dean are living through the lens of the asteroid Nemesis, which means enemy.  🙁

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