Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Astrology Chart of Edward Snowden

This is a fascinating study. I think you will enjoy it and learn a few things as I have. We don’t have time of birth, so will lose Houses. I am asking some of my ace Astrology friends to approximate an Ascendant and we seem to have Scorpio, but that will be for later. For now, we will work with what we have which is quite a bit. Without time of birth, one has 70% of the information and that is a lot. We have planets in their signs. We have aspects between planets. That is the general inner mechanism of the chart just as what is under the hood is the general workings of the car. With that, we shall proceed.

Edward is a very strong person in the best of ways. He does have issues. He does have struggles but he is the real deal, the genuine article and a genuine hero. I will tell you why I believe that from his chart, as I already, believe that from his brave actions which could cost him his life. The best way for teaching is to take each aspect one by one, so I will do that.

Mars conjunct the North Node

The North Node is very important. I have many articles on it because I believe this one part of the chart can reveal much. If you are looking at a chart and see a planet conjunct the NN, you can know that that planet is part of the person’s destiny. The same applies to asteroids. To put it simply, that person MUST live out the planet. You know the nature of each planet by now, I assume. If not, I will give a brief rundown and then apply it to Snowden. The Sun is one’s identity, sense of self and ego. The Moon is one’s deepest feelings and deepest heart. Mercury is one’s mind. Venus is how one loves and one’s love nature which is distinctive nature to each person. Mars is one’s drive, one’s goals and one’s ambition. Pluto is one’s primal power. Uranus is one’s inner rebel. Neptune is one’s creativity and connection to God.

Back to Snowden. He has Mars conjunct the NN. His life is about taking action and meeting goals. He is a person with a great deal of drive and more importantly, he can get it done. His Mars is in Gemini which can make him not stick to a goal or go from one goal to another. His Gemini mars makes me wonder if he did this fast and without thinking. A Taurus mars would deliberate before any action. Gemini is like quick silver. It up and acts. Hence, I don’t think Snowden considered carefully his actions. If he had, he may not have had the courage to do them. However, we will go on because Snowden has a depth of character and that is the meat of who he is and why he did what he did, in my opinion.

Sun Conjunct the NN


His Gemini Sun is conjunct his NN. The Sun is one’s essential sense of self. If you think about who you are, you think of your Sun. That is why we can identify people by their Sun signs. Snowden is someone who is here for a purpose. His sense of self is very much a part of his purpose. He would tell you this, if you knew him, I am quite sure. He is not a superficial person who drifts through life. He feels he has a destiny and his sense of self is wrapped up in his destiny, such that they are one in the same.

Mars Conjunct the Sun


Mars conjunct the Sun takes his Gemini Mars, which can be a weak Mars and makes it strong. Mars conjunct the Sun is like an Aries Mars which is one of the strongest and one of the biggest fighters for a cause. Hence, we have seen, in several places, that Snowden is a real crusader and a real fighter for what is right.

Sun at 29 Degrees


Any planet at 29 degrees is weakened. It is called the Frozen degree. The planet is in a kind of inertia. It is stuck on the fence. It has one foot in the past and one in the future but feels lost about what to do in the present. This Sun probably caused Snowden angst in making the kind of decision few would. However, he overcame his inertia and plowed on. If that is not a hero, I don’t know what is.

Earth Void

I am an earth void, too. One feels disconnected from the earth. One feels as if one walks an inch above the sidewalk. With the earth void, they are not concerned with money. Everyone needs money but the earth void is not a materialistic person. He could live in a trailer or a mansion. He does not need earth things to give him prestige. Snowden’s earth void tells me that he did not do this for money or fame. He did it as a true patriot.

Water Singleton–Moon in Scorpio

This is very interesting and very powerful. He is an almost water void. This can be someone who does not understand the emotions of others. However, in his case, I don’t think this would apply because he has a Scorpio Moon which is one of THE most perceptive moons. The fact that his moon is his only water planet strengthens the Moon to nuclear proportions. What this means is that he will follow his heart because his heart is a very strong part of him. His heart won’t be denied. He wanted to set people free from tyranny. This was his heart’s call and he followed it. His actions were not selfish and they were not crazy. They were the actions of a hero. This is shown by his chart, over and over.

When one has a singleton, that refers to one of anything. In his case, it is one water planet. That makes the planet and the element super powerful. Hence, Snowden follows his heart( the Moon). He follows his emotions( the water element)


Many Fire Planets, Many Air Planets

He is intellectual . He has drive. He has self confidence. If we put this together with the earth void, he could be at home in any country he wanted. He is at home in the world of books, ideas. He is at home with himself because he loves himself.


Pluto Conjunct Saturn

This one is an interesting one. It is classic for a cruel person. I don’t know if he is cruel. What touches Saturn screams to be expressed. I have several articles on this. In his case, Pluto touches Saturn. I think his life revolved around his primal emotions but they were stuck. Saturn is a cold blanket. It buries what it touches and makes one dig like crazy to unearth it. However, when one does, one has the proverbial diamond. One’s work was the mining of coal. If you see anything conjunct Saturn, know that one quest of the natives life is to reclaim that planet or asteroid.

How this could play out with Snowden could be like this. Snowden has intense primal emotion due to the Scorpio moon. Scorpio Moon is a cauldron of swirling, intense passions. It does not know what to do with them, often. Many Scorpio moons wish they could get rid of this moon in favor of a light, easy moon. However, they must learn to live with a moon which is jealous when it’s partner goes to the 7-11 for milk. It thinks she is having an affair with the clerk.

For Snowden, his already passionate nature is exacerbated by an almost exact conjunction of Pluto and Saturn. Let me describe this a bit more. Pluto is a primal, majestic tiger roaming in the wild. It wants what it wants. It takes what it wants. It does not reason. It feels. It feels all the primal passions of an animal. Pluto is the animal part of us. When Saturn touches Pluto, Saturn represses primal desires. It could make the person a prude. It could make the person stiff in social situations. It could make the person feel he had to sit on his passions in a kind of pressure cooker way. Saturn will do this until the person learns how to overcome.Saturn will release it’s grip with time. Saturn will force you to mature before it releases it’s grip on the planet. Once you have matured, you can use the primal energies and you will be a powerhouse. Most likely, you will use them well because you have struggled for them so hard. For Snowden, I think his decision was primal, as well as mindful and heartfelt. I think the chart shows this.

Uranus Conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius

I have Uranus conjunct Jupiter. This makes for a rebel. This makes for an independent person because Jupiter enlarges what it touches and Uranus is the rebel. This native thinks for himself. This native is not a sheeple. It is hard to think for oneself. Few do it. It is harder to act on that independent thought. Fewer do that. However, Snowden did.

Uranus Conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius oppose to Mercury

Here is where we start to see trouble. Mercury is the planet of the mind. His Mercury is in Gemini which is it’s Domicile/Home. This Mercury is usually brilliant. So far, so good. Where we start to run into trouble is Mercury oppose Jupiter and Uranus. Mercury oppose Jupiter can be too extravagant with it’s planning. It could plan to go to Las Vegas, win a million and marry a show girl. It up and does things. It can act on impulse without considering consequences.

Mercury oppose Uranus is more dire. I call this a mental illness aspect. Are all people with this aspect mentally ill? No, however all people will suffer from mental imbalances that they will have to force themselves to control. This aspect makes for brilliance but brilliance can go over the edge as we see in artists like Picasso and writers like Hemingway. For Snowden, he was brilliant.He was out of the box. He may act impulsively. If you put all these factors together, one could see how they may have played out in his actions.


Venus in Leo

Vain. What can I say? This Venus wants to be seen. It wants to be heard. It is the Venus of the performer. It is the Venus of the woman who glams it up and walks down the red carpet to awed silence for her presence. I am not saying Venus in Leo is bad, per se. I am just saying that this Venus is not a wilting flower hiding in the back of the room. This Venus will go to the center of the room and dance in all it’s glory. This Venus is a diamond, if you like diamonds.

Neptune oppose NN. Mars and Sun


This one is troubling. It is troubling because this person can be in denial. He can live in a fairy land where all things work out, if you are only good. This is a wonderful aspect for the same reasons it is a dangerous aspect. One can live in a fairy world and be a crusader. One can live in a fairy world and be an artist. One can live in a fairy world and be a MARTYR. If Snowden is a martyr, then he died for a worthy cause. I am sure he knew that he may lose his life. I think he accepted this as part of his plan. This aspect reveals that to me.



Forgive typos, please. I will be back.



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