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Why Do Christians Write Me Hate Mail and Tell Me I am Going to Hell?

Oy vey 😀

I do understand their dilemma. A few years ago, I would have agreed but I have gone on a strange journey. I got the name of my website from my web designer, at the time. It seemed to fit and I took it. Later, I realized that it was not true to who I really was but it was too late or was it? I think I was meant to have this name. To those who cannot see beyond a name, you can go elsewhere. I am trying to do God’s will in my way and to take His leading as I am able. I am a true Born Again Christian. I am sold out to Jesus with all that is in me. He is everything to me. He is my reason for all I do and all I do is to serve him, even though I fail at every turn, If the name of my website offends you, then go elsewhere.

2 thoughts on “Why Do Christians Write Me Hate Mail and Tell Me I am Going to Hell?

  1. amiannchristina

    A little something for your naysayers. 😉
    “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
    Matthew 7:1-3

    We must also remember that man will disappoint us. Only the Lord himself will never let us down or disappoint us. <3

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