Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Intimacy–In To Me See

This topic has been nagging me. Many of my readings are inquiries into relationships. We crave closeness. We crave love. We crave attachment. However. lets examine the anatomy of intimacy. Intimacy is literally allowing another to see you.OUCH. Do you face yourself? What is not accepted? Our trouble seems to be with self vs self more than self vs other. One’s self is so very very hard to face. There is ugliness so deep within the human being.One recoils. What is one to do? I don’t want to give platitudes so will leave it here, for the moment.

I came back to this article because we crave intimacy as surely as food. How do we get it? My theory is that you must accept all of yourself before you can allow someone to see you. In the vast recesses of one’s self is a cauldron of swirling emotions and passions. Most are not good in terms of what you call a “nice” person. The nice person may be part of ourselves but that is not the part that troubles us. The bad boy is. The selfish boy. The lengths we wonder if we could go when faced with the opportunity. I think one has to accept all as at a fire sale where the items are second rate. I think we are a version of a second rate shop. A zipper may be torn. There may be a rip. We may be an awful color like pink-orange. The more we can accept all, the more we can let others see us. Then, we will have a joy that only comes from interaction with other human beings.Then, we will have true intimacy.

4 thoughts on “Intimacy–In To Me See

  1. amiannDL

    yes there is ugliness deep in the human being but people are so afraid that others will judge them only by that and becuse of that they dont see all the beauty and love they have inside too.

    thats at least my 50 cents for this conversation XD

      1. amiannDL

        of course it is 🙂

        just know that althought it might be ugly inside there is also much love and light as well, you just need to dig it and youre closest people wont mind anything else 🙂

        or im just too idealistic 😛
        in any case good luck

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