Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Right Brain Trauma Theory Pt 2

Very few people are helped by traditional therapy, in my opinion. Right brain trauma theory tells why Trauma is stored in the right side of the brain. This side of the brain is the emotional side. Therapy deals with the intellect and reasoning. This is the left side of the brain. That is why you see so many people, who have gone through traditional therapy, KNOW all the answers, but their life is falling down before them. Right brain trauma theory explains why.

The simplest and most elegant book, made so because of it’s simplicity is “Cure By Crying” by Thomas Stone. It is out of print, so is expensive. I bought it at 40 dollars, but it was worth every single penny. I noticed that people are trying to get the publisher to publish it , again. I will write more on how Right Brain Trauma Theory has helped me, personally, in other entries.

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