Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Do You Mean To Tell Me All The People In India are Going to Hell?

This is the question from my dear friend, Simon. This question is asked by most people who are able to talk openly with a Born Again Christian. They may ask it in a number of ways but it is the same questtoni-frissell-weeki-wachee-spring-floridaion.

I asked it, too, so I know.There is nothing new under the sun. Let me try to answer it as best as I can. Let me try to answer what is implied, as well. This question has many implied meanings. Let’s deal with each one.

The first implied meaning is how can a God of love send people to Hell? This question is a logical question. I had it. The answer is found in the whole of the Bible. I will try to make it simple. Man was created to live in Paradise. Man was created to be so bonded to God that he did not even know he was a separate being. That bonding is what we seek when we are co-dependent, in my opinion. Man lost Paradise because he disobeyed. In disobeying, man cast the perfect world into the mess we see now. This is the simplified version, the Bible Cliff Notes, if you will 😀

Man was never meant to die. Man was never meant to get sick. Man was never meant to feel depression. Man was never meant to feel lonely. All these came when the world was cast into the darkness we see today. Hence, man was lost in this cycle with no hope ever of coming out. That is where Jesus comes in. Jesus turned man’s hopeless situation back so that man could have Paradise, again. I have spared thousands of pages of details. I have spanned thousands of years but that is the story in a nutshell.

For a man to reject Jesus makes it impossible for that man to come out of this cycle. Only God could clean up the mess that man brought down on himself. God did that in the form of Jesus. Jesus suffered immeasurable pain for us. For a person to throw that away, a person is making his own choice. God did not send him to Hell. That person sent himself to Hell.

I know this explanation will not satisfy. I can feel the ticking brains of those reading. Let me see if I can add more. The story of the Bible is how God gave man everything. Man threw everything away. God brought it back for man. That is the most simple outline. Adam, the first man, threw Paradise away. Jesus, who was God and man, brought it back. When someone gets Born Again, that person regains Paradise, one can say. He does so in his spirit. Jesus comes to live inside him. That man will go to Heaven when he dies. That man has been reconciled to God. That man cannot be hurt in his spirit. That man cannot be compromised, in his spirit. That man is safe, forever. That man has eternal security in the only way that matters. When that man dies, he will be with God in Heaven. All his loved ones who were saved will be there, too.

Jesus is the bridge between man and God. Jesus is the only bridge. This brings me to the subject of this article. No one can get to Heaven without Jesus. However, the Bible promises that every man will have a chance to hear about Jesus. We cannot understand how this will happen. Jesus can come to a man in a dream or in a vision. Man cannot know the concrete answers to this dilemma but we can trust that God assures us that all men will have a chance.

I hope that answered some questions. Ask any you have on my Comment Form!




11 thoughts on “Do You Mean To Tell Me All The People In India are Going to Hell?

  1. amiannLon Spector

    But this is a strange and alien concept to most people’s minds. So, they need help
    from God to understand it.
    By the way, the “Wages of sin are DEATH,” NOT to be alive in hell fire for all eternity.
    Hell, is refered to as The second DEATH.

  2. amiannferryleaf

    Very well put, Amy.

    And I really appreciate this part:

    Jesus is the bridge between man and God. Jesus is the only bridge. This brings me to the subject of this article. No one can get to Heaven without Jesus. However, the Bible promises that every man will have a chance to hear about Jesus. We cannot understand how this will happen. Jesus can come to a man in a dream or in a vision. Man cannot know the concrete answers to this dilemma but we can trust that God assures us that all men will have a chance.

    <3 🙂

  3. amiannLon Spector

    The Bible says “The wages of sin is death.” If a person were alive for all eternity
    in a never ending fire, they wouldn’t be dead would they? A hateful sadistic God (?)
    would be imposing eternal torture on them. I worship Jesus-NOT Adolph Hitler.

  4. amiannLon Spector

    Even Adolph Hitler had limits on the brutality he would impose.
    In WW1, soldiers fought under brutal conditions of trench warfare. Hitler said: “Never
    again trench warfare.”
    Am I suppost to believe the paganistic disinformation of eternal torturous hell fire, when
    the Bible plainly states that the end result of sin is death?
    When you suffer pain you know it? How? Because you are alive to know it. You feel it.
    King Soloman, (And David in the Psalms) say the dead know nothing. Death is a cessasion
    of existence. That’s what the Jewish people have always believed. Ask a conservative or
    ordox rabbi. This is why Jews name thier children after desceased realitives so the realitive
    “lives” through the child.
    Satan began the lie about the immortality of the soul in the Garden of Eden. Jews did NOT
    believe that man has eternal life. The Gentiles (Pagans) always did. They believed in a
    Danta’s Inferno” type of hell. In the Bible hell is called The second death. We are raised.
    We undergo judgement. If we are found guilty we are placed in the Lake Of Fire, which
    results in death. We only experiece very brief pain before we die. Of course, we belive in
    Christ so we will be spared this. But there’s no life after death until Christ raises us from the

  5. amiannMoonChild

    The spiritual essence, the Spiritual Teachings “inside” all Religious scriptures are the same. It is just that they have used different languages, based on different culture they were evolved from.

    But the problem is when people like us gets stuck with the religious limitations, we seldom sees teh spiritual oneness in it.

    Conversion is a big business here in India. (I dont want to get into it at this stage).

    It is true that the Path to God is through Jesus.

    It is only through God the Son can we gain access to God the Father.

    According to spirituality in India, Maha Vishnu is the God the Son aspect. Shiva is God the Father aspect.

    If we talk about Chakra system, the energy centres, the Heart Chakra corresponds to God the Son, and The Crown Chakra corresponds to God the Father, unless we have a open loving Heart (active Heart), we can never gain access to Crown Chakra, – God the Father.

    Heaven and Hell is all for us to make and experience, but yes, the moment we understand the Divine concepts, embrace them for our Higher Evolution of the Soul, life becomes meaningful, and full and Heaven is for our’s to keep and experience!



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