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Some Simple Thoughts on The Rapture

I was asked to write a bit on the Rapture. The Bible tells it’s believers that we should be ready to answer any questions and that we should be willing. In the End Times prophecy, there are two separate events which people mix up. When people mix separate events, nothing about Bible prophecy makes sense. That is one of the main reasons that Bible prophecy makes little sense, to the casual reader.

The next event in history, according to the Bible, will be the Rapture. After the Rapture is the Tribulation. Most prophetic events do not have exact time tables such as exact dates. Some do have exact dates, down to the day and year. However, all prophetic events have the SIGNS of their times. The Bible tells its readers to look at the signs of the times to see when the Rapture is imminent. The true believers in Jesus will not see the Tribulation. The Bible makes that clear, on several occasions. God will not pour out His wrath on His believers. The Tribulation is the time of His wrath. The first three and a half years will be a peace unlike the world has known. For the first time in Israel’s history, she will be at peace with the Arabs. She will not have to have defenses. As you know, this has not happened since her birth, when she was attacked immediately afterwards. So, the Rapture will precede the Tribulation. We don’t know how much time will elapse between the Rapture and the Tribulation, just that they are separate events with totally separate agendas, one could say.


The Rapture is a term which refers to the “being caught up” discussed in 1 Thessalonians 4:17, when the “dead in Christ” and “we who are alive and remain” will be “caught up in the clouds” to meet “the Lord“. This verse talks about the Rapture, per se. However, Noah’s Arc is a picture of the Rapture. The Bible foreshadows the New Testament from the Old. The New Testament completes what the OT foreshadows. I refer you to Les Feldick for a detailed study on Noah’s Arc as a picture of the Rapture. It is very, very specific. I am sure you will be fascinated, whether you are a believer in the Bible, or not.

I will discuss some signs of the times for both the Rapture and the Tribulation, as they are on the same time table going forward. The Rapture just comes first. I am not going to research specific Scriptures.Anyone can Google End Time prophecy and find the Scriptures. I will paraphrase some signs of the times, though. Then, you can find the specific Scriptures in a Google Search. I am doing this because if I set the standard so high for myself as to have to research the whole subject and write about it, I will never do it.


Some signs of the End times

1. Strange weather which increases in severity as time goes on. This is likened to a woman’s labor pains increasing as the birth approaches

2. Love of family for each other will grow cold. This can be seen in children murdering parents and vice -versa. This can be seen in abortion, although I know that is a hot topic.

3. Technology will explode. I just heard a radio ad talking about a product that allowed you to see who was at your front door, from anywhere in the world, from your cell phone.

4. The entire world will be able to watch the events of the End Times. TV etc must be needed for this.

5. Israel shows God

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