Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Election of Obama and the End Times

No generation wants to be in the End Times. One generation has to. I thought we had time, but really it was a silly hope. The speeding up of hostilities in the Middle East, America losing it’s economic status, world respect and authority is all part of the End Times scenario.

Our generation will see events predicted in Bible Prophecy. I will be doing a class in Bible Prophecy, if anyone is interested. It will be on my Forum. You can join free of charge.

God is still in control even when it looks bleak.

3 thoughts on “The Election of Obama and the End Times

  1. amiannMatthew Hansell

    Hi, I am Matthew John James Hansell, I am a professional astrologer and servant of God, Jesus Christ. I am thankful to see there are others out there that can see what is going on in the world. It is a pleasure to have met you.

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Wow Thank you, Matthew. Pleased to meet you, too. Please, come on my Forum, if you would care to. It is free of charge and we just enjoy astrology with each other. I would love to have you 😀

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