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What Drives Someone to Suicide?

Someone I knew committed suicide, in the last week. She was a professional and as gorgeous as a model. My heart broke. If I thought anyone would do this, the last person would have been she. What brings someone to suicide? It is a despair of any way out. I think it is shame that you are so worthless that you can never be redeemed. I think of the last moments of a suicide and I cry. What if someone were there, at that moment, to pull someone out?

I think that the total loss of hope must be a huge factor. I think of all the hope in Jesus, for the worst sinner, one could say. There is no person, anywhere on this earth who is too bad for Jesus. There is nothing anyone can do that will make Jesus reject him. Jesus’ love is a love beyond this world.

Those seem like trite words, perhaps. Jesus has our names engraved on His hands. He saves every tear that we have cried. I fail, so miserably, in being a good example of a Christian, but I know His love is real, because anything good I do, is from Him.

Write me, if you want to commit suicide. Please.

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