Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Do You Crave Intimacy But Feel It Eludes You?

Intimacy is from the head up, not the neck down. If you have tried it from the neck down,for long enough, you will know. Intimacy is that elusive something we all crave, but have little luck in finding. Why? I ask myself. I felt I could have intimacy with others, at one point in my life. However, as I grew up, I lost this ability. I went into a shell, with all that entails. I lost that connection with my inner core. This connection to oneself is what makes intimacy possible. It is counter-intuitive, perhaps, but one must be intimate with oneself, in an emotionally naked way, before one can be intimate with another person. It seems so simple. Most truths are simple, once one can see them. However, prior to that, they are as far away as the moon.


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