Many things can cause your self to shrivel . Abuse and trauma are the obvious ones. In the chart,one can see these things even before one ever talks to the person. Why some people are born to abuse and others are spared cannot be answered from our earthly vantage point. However, one can see abuse from the chart. The question becomes how to heal it? The concept of the “self” is the answer. One’s “self” is more precious than gold. Without it, all the gold in the world will not be enough. I suppose the first factor is to feel one is worth something. That conceptual, understanding may be, simply, missed by those who have been abused. They may feel the opposite, that they are worth nothing. The self concept of an abuse victim is fraught with message upon message of the their inherent lack of value. These concepts are held together as bricks on a building held together with cement. They are resistant to change because these old concepts held one together, up to this point. It was one’s mind’s best adaptation to abuse. As such, it was a life saving mechanism
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