Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Micheal Jackson–An Almost Unaspected Moon

Micheal had one aspect to his moon, a square to Saturn. His moon squared his ASC, too, but this does not count toward an unaspected planet as the ASC is a point in space, not a planetary body.However, if you look at Micheal, I think you would see an example of sensitivity too raw for this world. He was a wonderful friend to others, it is reported. He gave a lot to others, particularly children . This moon is said to be charming and endearing, which Micheal was. This moon may exhibit the childlike quality which was characteristic of Micheal.The native with an Unaspected moon feels the pain of others to an extreme degree. The unaspected moon does not have a choice in how he is. I suppose the best antidote would be to know what one has. That way,one would not blame oneself, but take measures to keep oneself in as gentle an environment as possible.

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