Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

Saturn Retrograde

A hair fallingI forgot Saturn Retrograde in my last article. Saturn is a needed planet like a child needs to eat his vegetables. If he lives on sugar, he will have stunted growth and be an all around mess. The people who try to live without what Saturn offers live lives of profligates. One may think this would be a fabulous life. However, it is a sad life.

Think of sipping a glass of wine. It is relaxing. You may be sitting on your porch or chatting with dear friends at a cafe. However, think of drinking the whole bottle. You feel sick. You feel desperate. You feel like a loser. You know you are. Being spoiled seems like it would be the life of revelry. However, revelry must be it’s proper place.

There is nothing quite like reaching a goal through your own hard work. That kind of warm, personal pride can’t be bought. It can’t be given to you by another. It is from the discipline of your inner man. That is what we mean when we talk about Saturn.

Hence, we can look at Saturn in a different light, perhaps. He gets a bad name as a meanie and a killjoy. However, without him, one is like the profligate, drinking all day and reveling all night. When morning comes, he is sick, dirty and repentant. He feels like the lowest of men and he is.

To sum it up, Saturn is hard work. Saturn is eating your vegetables before your pie. Saturn is getting up for work. Saturn is staying with the same women when you see a prettier pair of legs ^^. Saturn is doing your schoolwork, so you can have a diploma. Saturn is all those things and more.

Saturn is the glue of relationships, as well. What keeps us with our children when we are tired and want to walk out the door? What keeps us at our job when we want to go home to bed? What keeps us at the side of a best friend when we want to run away from the pain? All these are Saturn and all these make us a person of character– or not.

Let’s deal with Saturn Retro. Any Retrograde planets produces a recycling mechanism. We talked about that in the other article. Recycling is like obsessing. One must ponder, mull and consider. Saturn Retrograde does not jump into the end of the pool. Saturn Retrograde gets in very slowly, old lady style, at the shallow end. When he dunks, he does it in a wise and timely manner. That is the manner of Retrogrades.

Saturn is already responsibility. The Retrograde would add several more layers of the same. Hence, this native grows up early. He may feel like an old man or women when he is young. He is not the carefree child running through the fields. He may be worried that his father is drinking or his mother stays out too late.

Saturn Retrograde points to a difficult childhood. This may be material or emotional. One would need to explore other parts of the chart to know such as the House and Sign of Saturn, as well as it’s aspects.

I hope I have given some insight into Saturn Retrograde and Saturn itself. Please, leave your Comments, as usual. I really love them!



17 thoughts on “Saturn Retrograde

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      I think my fave picture of your whole batch was the woman with the bright make-up colors on her face.That will be very special when it finds the right article, as will many others. You have an eye for pictures, B! Have you ever thought of doing photography for a hobby, at least?

      1. amiannBiblea

        aww A

        Yes I have thought about that, but I upload my pics in flickr and then they pale in comparison to others. Everything even hobbies need work. I don’t feel like knowing zooms and apertures is my cup of chai tea ,)

  1. amianncatman90

    Lucky me I have retrograde Saturn.Although they do say ” All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” lol. Ami I think you forgot to write about Uranus Retrograde as well.You did manage to nail these retrograde articles.

  2. amiannLesley

    I have Saturn retro in Capricorn in the fourth house of family. I would say that I had an emotionally difficult childhood, void of affection. You are so right when you say that the charts never lie! I also have Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter, and Chiron retro in my chart. I actually feel different in many ways.

      1. amiannLesley

        Yes. I know that in the Hindu religion, when a baby is born, their astrology chart is drawn up for them. The baby is even named according to the Moon sign. Maybe all parents should do this to gain greater understanding of their children.

        1. amiannamiann Post author

          Lesley, the charts are so precious in what they give. I am astounded with them. Guess what? I am studying medical Astrology. How fascinating is that? I just got some good books!

          1. amiannamiann Post author

            If you diagnose, the law will come to get you. It is used to see trends more so and to help you understand what it going on. It is so fascinating. I just read a chapter when I went with someone to the MD. The guy was looking at me weird :/

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