Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Love of a Child—The Child Asteroid

jessica-florence-jumping-for-joyI think Moon trine Moon is the ultimate soul mate asteroid. I don’t mean soul mate in terms of the one and only who was made just for you. I don’t believe in that concept. It is a New Age concept, not a Biblical one. However, I believe that Moon trine Moon is the closest two people can get. I think Moon conjunct Moon is second. They may be equal. I don’t know. However, when people touch Moons, they touch hearts and souls.

In my ever increasing quest to learn more about Astrology, I watch all my own relationships. I see how they feel. Then, I go back to the charts to try to figure out why. The charts will always give the answers. One’s chart is a personal map from the Almighty.God is that good to do that for us. The Bible is the map for mankind. The chart is the map of the individual person.

Back to the Child Asteroid. I have an enduring love for someone. It never seems to leave, although it should, by all natural means. I was pondering why. My Child Asteroid is an exact conjunction to his Moon. It feels exactly as one might expect it to feel. I can shed the many layers of masks.We each build up masks to protect our vulnerable inner child. That is the nature of growing up. Only three aspects seem to restore that childlike innocence between people. They are Moon trine Moon, Moon conjunct Moon and Child conjunct Moon.

I was talking to a friend of mine about how rare it is to touch the heart of another when one is an adult. My childhood best friends were magical. I think this is the case for most of us. I have not had this as an adult except for Moon trine Moon and Child conjunct Moon. Then, that person touched my soul to the degree that I could shed my many layers of adulthood and truly play as a child.



4 thoughts on “The Love of a Child—The Child Asteroid

    1. amiannamiann Post author

      Hi Blaq
      In this case, the Child person would be in the more vulnerable position. The Mars person may be violent or too aggressive with the Child person. However, this is one aspect in a whole chart. Tell me about the relationship, though, Blaq.

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