Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths

The Sixth House

Virgo rules the Sixth House. Virgo is the sign of service. Virgo truly feels satisfaction when he can give and help. This is a laudable trait, and rare. Virgos get a bad rap for being picky and hypercritical, which can be true, but one must take the good with the bad, in all signs. Virgo is a loyal friend. His word is his bond, another “outdated” concept. One could do worse, in a friend, or a lover. Don’t run and hide now, Misters Gemini or Sag. Back to the Sixth House.The Sixth House rules service. It rules practical kinds of jobs, which deal with real world issues such as hair dresser, shop owner, car mechanic, teacher and nurse. The Tenth house deals with more professional careers( not that the latter is not). There will be overlap in careers between the Sixth and Tenth Houses. One must remember that the Sixth is providing a more “hands on” service than the Tenth.The Sixth House deals with health, as well. As such, if one wants to explore the topic of one’s health( and we all do), one must study the Sixth House and the aspects to it’s Rulers.

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