Ten Ways To Overcome Being a Victim
I recently realized that I had a victim mentality. One cannot see it when one is in it. I promise you this is true. Some of the people with the biggest barks and strongest fists have a victim mentality. They…
What Is Your Personality Type?
Choose an icon that speaks to you the most. Don’t think about it too hard. Read the answer below… Let me know what you got! 1. You are a generous and moral (not to confuse with moralizing) person. You always…
Ten Ways To Soothe Your Soul
I am a high strung Gemini. and an earth void, too. I have Sun, Mercury and Venus in Gemini in the 9th House. I have found ways to soothe my soul. I will share them and then, please, tell me…
Which Pill?
Pick A Crystal and Learn About Yourself
I thought this was fascinating, so I put it up for you. I hope you like it,too! Pick A Crystal! Look at the 6 crystals below, which are you drawn to? Don
The topic of intimacy is so daunting that I want to go back to bed. In my childhood home, nothing true could ever be said. I won’t say ever. I will say 90% of the time. I learned to…
Trying To Be Perfect
I have strange things happen to me. I, always, have. I have strange people come to me. I always have. I seem to get what I need and it seems to come from unexpected sources. My Jupiter makes only generational…
Want To Have Spa Luxury For Pennies?
I love little special things in life. I think we all do.I want to share something so special that I had to share it with you. I love baths and I have tried all sorts of bath salts and oils…
Question for Discussion–Does Moon Oppose Pluto “Cause” Bi-Polar Disorder(Manic Depression)
I have had this discussion with several people who had Moon oppose Pluto and were diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder. I know that not all people with moon opposed to Pluto have this unfortunate malady. That goes without saying in discussions…