There are some people who know nothing about Astrology. We have all been there.It is like being in a foreign country not speaking the language. For those people, I would like to do a series on Basic, Basic Astrology. The…
Basic Basic Astrology–What is the Sun?
The Sun is the center of the Solar System. The Sun is the center of oneself, in the same way. The natural Sun gives light to the earth.Our Sun is our most basic drive.It is what we KNOW as our…
Basic Basic Astrology—What is the Moon?
The Moon is your feelings.If you are out of touch with your feelings, you are out of touch with your moon. Your Moon Sign shows how you process your feelings. Are you a Chessnut Tree or an Oak Tree? Are…
Basic Basic Astrology—-What is Mars?
Mars is your drive. Think of wanting a piece of candy.How do you go about getting it? Do you jump in your car and drive to the store? Do you wish for it but are too lazy to go out?…
Basic Basic Astrology—What is Saturn?
Saturn cools what it touches. Think an ice cube. Think a cold shower. Think a spanking. This restriction. Think waiting and waiting. Think discipline. Think hard won maturity. These are all Saturn. Saturn is the planet which balances Jupiter. Jupiter…
Basic Basic Astrology— What is Jupiter?
Jupiter is the opposite of Saturn. As Saturn makes things hard, Jupiter makes them easy. Jupiter is the cool guy, cig hanging from mouth, tight jeans, hands on hips who gets all the girls. It comes so easily to Jupiter.The…
Basic Basic Astrology—What is Neptune?
Neptune could be juxtaposed to Pluto as Saturn is juxtaposed to Jupiter. Astrology is all about yin and yang, the balance and harmony in all of Nature. Neptune is about everything that takes one out of present earth bound reality.…
Basic Basic Astrology–What is a Stellium?
A stellium is three or more planets in a sign. This sign will be very important. They will usually be in the same house but don’t need to be. A stellium will make a strong emphasis on this sign as…
Basic Basic Astrology–What are Orbs?
Orbs are the distance between bodies. We need to measure the distance between planetary bodies in order to asses the relationship between the two.Each planet has a place in space at any given time. It is measured by Hour: Minute:…
Basic Basic Astrology—-What is the Conjunction?
The conjunction is two planets/asteroids on top of each other. In other words, the conjunction is two planets on the same degree of the chart. This is the most powerful aspect, by far. One can feel a conjunction in one’s…