Orbs are the distance between bodies. We need to measure the distance between planetary bodies in order to asses the relationship between the two.Each planet has a place in space at any given time. It is measured by Hour: Minute:…
A Quick Guide to Aspects and Colors of Aspects as Seen on Charts
Red–are hard aspects–This is where it is hard to deal with what it touches–challenging Blues are easy aspects. These are easy. These are the trines and the sextile. The trines are pure gifts. The sextiles have to be worked on…
The Asteroids I Use
8652 Acacia 1221 Amor 18675 Amianni 1388 Aphrodite (Greek) 2101 Adonis (Greek/Babylonian) 151 Abundantia (Roman) 390 Alma 8273 Apatheia( apathy) 88 aesculapia 1488 Aura 1862 Apollo (Greek) 99942 Apophis 11911 Angel Astrowizard 24626 4425 Bilk 695 Bella 1487…
The Ascendent
The Ascendant is a lens with which the person views life. It is an outer veneer but it is stuck on as a suit of armor which one cannot shed. The Ascendent is a strange concept in that it is…
How Do I Get Saved?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UZO1k5cEVA&feature=related If anyone wants me to pray with them to accept Jesus, please leave your phone number on my Comment Form. I will call you. I would be honored to pray with you. If…
Are You The Victim or the Abuser—-Dejanira and Nessus
You may be aghast at this title. Every human being has BEEN both a victim and an abuser. Every human being has the victim and the abuser asteroids in his chart. These are archetypes, in Jungian fashion.In reality, most people…
Retrograde Planets
The Retrograde is shown by a little R next to the planet.It is the sign of prescription drugs. The Retrograde planet is very different. Lets say that off the bat.It is like a serious father when compared to the Non…
Why Don’t Platitudes Work? Grow Up!
As I do readings, I have the honor of being taught by the wonderful people who trust me enough to open up. It is a sacred honor. I am starting to see themes in the people who have enough pain…
Attention: All You Echo’s—— Fire Up Your Narcissus?
With paired asteroids, each is at either end of the pole. Healthy emotion is in the middle. With Echo, she is a mealy mouth. She has lost her identity. Her life is a singular search for Narcissus. She wants to…
The Unaspected Mercury—Practical Thoughts
I wrote about the nature of Unaspected Planets in other articles.Unaspected Planets are buried and will stay in their infantile state if not taken up from the buried state. Lets try to look at Mercury. Mercury includes all activities of…