I have been haunted by a song. What is the song trying to say? Why is it so haunting? To what does it speak? I think it is a 12th House song. The 12th House hurts so badly, because the…
The Third Step To Understanding House Rulers
Memorize the sphere of influence of each House. Know each house as well as you can. After this, House Rulers will be, relatively, easy. Without a fluid understanding of what each house rules, you will struggle. Like anything else in…
The Second Step to Understanding House Rulers
Now, find the House in which your Chart Ruler resides. It will be a pivotal house for you, for a lifetime. You will be ruled by the sphere of this House. You will be drawn to the affairs of this…
The First Step in Understanding House Rulers
We have identified the Chart Ruler. It is the planet which rules the Sign on the Ascendant. These are the planets associated with each of the Signs. If your sign is in the first column. The planet which is called…
The 12th House
The 12th House is akin to the 8th House. These Houses are spoken about in whispers. The 8th House rules death. The 12th rules prisons, mental institutions, the hospice, the hospital, addictions and obsessions.The 8th could rule obsessions, too. There…
The Eleventh House
The Eleventh House is ruled by Aquarius. Aqua is accused of loving humanity, but not people. Aquarius is accused of being aloof, emotionally. Who would feed the world, beyond one’s own borders, if not for Aquarius’. Honest politicians, of which…
The Tenth House
The Tenth House includes the MC, in most charts. The MC is one’s public face to the world. One’s public face may be very different from one’s private face. The Tenth house is the more dominant parent. It is, traditionally,…
The Ninth House
The Ninth House is opposite the Third. As with all parts of the chart, there is exquisite balance. The Third House is casual chatting about casual topics It rules short trips and early education. The Ninth house rules deep topics…
The Eighth House
The 8th house is an unusual house, in line with the 12th.It is a scary house. It rules taboos. It rules emotions we are afraid to face. It rules passionate sexuality. It rules soul mate relationships. People with many 8th…
Venus in its Detriment–Scorpio
I did an article on Venus in Scorpio, in a man’s chart. The Detriment position of a planet is a planet which does not like it’s home/placement. The home may be too big, too small, too hot or too cold.…